Does evening primrose oil work;???? need help!

edited June 2011 in Third Trimester
anyone got any ideas on how to induce labour?
im 36weeks but i was in hospital last week cos i had contrations, and i had stroid injections, my scan showed that at 35weeks my baby was 5lb 7oz already and the doctor sent me home cos i was only 1cm dialated. but the doctor also said that if i went into labour now he woudnt do anything to stop it cos iv had the injections and baby is at a healthy weight. so now iv been sitting here for a week 1cm dialated and contracting but nothing is happening and to be honest i am really getting annoyed iv had an awful pregnancy the whole way through with having to have a stent an kidney infections ect... so can anyone help me move things along abit? i just want to know if anything works i think the only thing i wouldnt do is caster oil. it sounds nasty lol. plz help preglys im fed up now! x


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  • edited June 2011
    I started using it at 37 weeks, I inserted 2 vaginally at night every night. At 38 weeks it did nothing so I started inserting 4 a night. 3 days later I was checked because of extreme swelling, my cervix was 40% effaced which was a huge change. 5 days after that I was 39 weeks 2 days and I went to my weekly appointment. I had been having contractions on and off since last time I was checked, still inserting my capsules every night (4 of them) got checked and I was 80% effaced and 1.5cm dilated. HUGE change. I was induced the next morning due to rising blood pressure and extreme swelling. She was turned where her back was on my back so I had my second experience with back lair and it was harder for her to get into the right position in the birth canal so it was a long process. BUT when she did turn, I dilated from 6cm to 10cm in 3 minutes because of how thin my cervix was, which is what the primrose oil helps. It helps soften and thin your cervix, not induce labor, but make your labor an easier and quicker process. :) hope this helps hun!
  • It definitely helped thin out my cervix. It did not start labor or dilate me at all. I think it is used to thin the cervix @homebirthadvocate ?
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  • Just remember, it's not used to jump start or cause labor. It's used to help prep the cervix for labor.

    I used it this last pregnancy starting at 36 weeks and used it for about a week and a half. It worked and thinned my cervix in that time, and at 38 weeks and 2 days, I gave birth to an amazingly beautiful babe!
  • thank you for ur help iv been taking them orally only one capsule a day for 3 days now, i might try taking 2 a day and insering them vginally
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