HELP, god aweful shoulder pain!!!

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 11 wks pregnant, and I have some horrible pain in my right shoulder. Idk Wat to do it won't go away and idk Wat it is that's wrong. I've had random sharp pains in my stomach lately also, is this normal?


  • I haven't had an ultrasound yet, my Insurance will only pay for 1 ultrasound and that's to find out the sex of the baby. I called my mother a few mins ago and suggested an ectopic pregnancy but she just told me that I was just ache because I'm pregnant, idk if I can get an ultrasound before April when I'm supposed too, idk Wat to do :(
  • Btw I dnt think my mother believes me even though I called her at 2:30 in the morning.
  • Ok, I will call ER and ask them if I should go.
  • I called and they said that they had never heard of this before WTF!!! they said they didn't know if I should come in or not. I do not wanna go to this ER they seem like idiots, idk Wat to do cause my shoulder still hurts.
  • I just called another ER and they said that they can't give out information out whether or not to come in
  • Go to drs q friend had a epp preg n she didn't say about her shoulder n the Dr asked after her pop was her shoulder ok now she said how dis u know they said its with epp preg have u has a scan ?
  • Idk Wat to do now my back and stomach are starting to hurt badly
  • Have not had any scans done my insurance will only pay for one and that's to find out the sex of the baby
  • Go to the hossy if u leave it to long u could loose Ur tube worst case hope all is ok n works out for u the hospital should scan u to find corse
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