How can you tell if your baby has cracked your rib? Every time I bend over to pick up something or sit where there is pressure on my ribs its this Sharp burning pain. Could my munchkin crack my rib
I think they really can kick hard enough to crack ribs but I'm not sure how you could tell if that's what the pain is from. I suggest talking to your doctor about it.
My friends baby cracked her rib and they had to do a C-section cause the baby would have either cracked other ribs as well or completly break the rib it cracked.
I have never heard of it, but I did experienced very Sharp pains in my ribs with my first son, but he was breech and his head was always up against my ribs, I was afraid of him damaging himself though. Is your baby breech?
I think that if you have a cracked rib that it would hurt constantly, not just when doing certain things. As you progress in your pregnancy your rib cage will spread, which could be the pain you are feeling. Not sure though!
Definitly call your doctor!
@ynvtish that is awful. You wouldn't think they could cause much damage as fragile as they are when they are born.
@5lilangels maybe that is it. The pain is so strong sometimes its insane