PostPartum Depression..

edited June 2011 in Depression
I had my postpartum appt today and was diagnosed postpartum depression... The dr pretty much described exactly how I felt after he listened to me talk for a couple minutes. He prescribed me some anti depression medicine I'm praying helps.. I'm ready to be myself again


  • Aww, get better. My sister and I believe she had that too, but nobody listened to her.
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  • edited June 2011
    Aww huni I'm right there with ya babes. I'm going through it myself. I had my little man 7 wks ago and I din't think I could feel like I did when I brought him home. I'm doing a bit better today. I'm trying to do this with out taking meds and its realy hard. I'm still trying to get a handle on the depression, im NOT gonna let it win. If you need someone to talk to send me a mesg and ill give ya my number. Even if you just want a texting buddy to vent to...Remember I'm there walking this road right beside your never alone!! Xxoo
  • @caroline8_p @mommy2isaiahngiselle @newflmom2b thank you so much ladies! I'm 7 weeks pp. He was born 4 weeks early and was in the NICU for 3 days.. I'm glad I have a great dr who although awkward was trying to cheer me up and was singing during my pap smear. He was right about alot though... I feel like a failure as a mom sometimes and I can't help but blame myself for him being early and everything. I wanted to breast feed so bad but he couldn't latch on for the first couple weeks and pumping didn't keep my supply up. I have a beautiful son that needs his mommy! I WILL beat this!!
  • Yes you will....You are woman, let me here you ROAR!!!!! I can't hear you......? ;)
  • @newflmom2b ROARR!! Lol. I come from a very strong line of women who don't give up! And im not going to be the first!
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  • Pregly mammas reunite. Ya us!!
  • @mommy2isaiahngiselle . As soon as we get paid again I'm going to go horseback riding. That always helped when I was younger and show jumped horses.. ill probably go to the mountains and find a place to ride for a couple hours. thank you its nice to have someone to talk to.. I talk to my fiance some but obviously he cant fully understand but he is great and tries to help!
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  • I went through it with my son 2 years ago and I'm currently going through it right now. I had my baby girl 2 weeks ago. I'm not big on taking medicine for things like this so hopefully it will pass in time. I didn't take anything with my son either. It's not easy though. I hope that it works for you so you can go back to being yourself. :)
  • @kcoolzchic I didn't wanna take medicine but after 7 weeks I felt it getting worse and knew I needed help! I hope yours passes soon!!
  • @Lauren0204Robert Thank you. It didn't last long with my son but if it does go to 7 weeks yes I'll take something. It's just so crazy because I can just be folding clothes and I start to cry for no apparent reason. And then I'm saying in my head fool why are you crying and then I just stop. Lol The things we face for our children :)
  • @kcoolzchic I know what you mean.. My fiance looked at me like I had lost my mind bc I told him to go ahead and go to bed one night and started crying.. I had no clue why!
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