best early pregnancy test to take?

edited February 2011 in First time moms
So here's my story.
I've been what I'm thinking are pregnancy symptoms; nausea, headaches, fatigue, etc. On the 7th of Feb. I had what I thought was my period. It was really light. Like super light and it only lasted 3days.
So I took a pregnancy test it was a generic Walgreens brand and it showed up with a plus sign meaning positive but the other line was very light but you could make it out. I read that even if you can barely see it, its still a positive result.
This morning I took a "first response test" test (first morning urine) and it said gave me a negative result.
I'm freaking out! What am I to do?


  • The digital one?
  • Yeah try the new one that tells ud how many weeks so cool tells 1 week
  • So could I be pregnant or was it a false positive?
  • edited February 2011
    Id say positive
  • If u want go get a blood test accurate within just a day ori something I'm saying positive because of a positive test
  • Ohh okay. I'm just a little confused. I wanna be pregnant so I don't know if I'm just making myself feel that way. I wanna know ASAP and the first response test didn't help. Maybe I should just get the same generic test again. I wanna know for sure to because I've been working out a lot and I don't wanna hurt my baby if its there. these symptoms and the way my period was has never happened to me before.
  • I used first response, the day after I was supposed to start. I would take another and see. Good luck
  • Thanks guys
  • Yes try another pregnancy test.
  • Should I try the one I used the first time or a different one? I'm having all kinds of emotions right now :-S
  • I used first response "6 days sooner" two days before I was supposed to start and it was a solid positive.

    Try a digital one, or if ur cheap get 3 from the dollar store and do best 2/3...just over two days,both with first morning pee... the dollar ones work trust me lol
  • The doller store ones work. n if working out is your daily thing it won't hurt the baby, making yourself crazy and upset might. You need to relax.
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