Didnt feel him move nearly 3days!!

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
Im so worried! Im 22w1d and use to feel my lil man move all the time but for last 3days nothing!!! Is this normal? Im so so worried! Im becoming paranoid something is wrong :-(


  • edited June 2011
    Same happen to me when I was about 23 weeks so I called my doctor and went in and they did a ultrasound and he's fine. She told me that at 23 weeks their still small so sometimes you won't feel baby move. I would call Ur docotor just in case its better to be on the safe side
  • Consistent movement that early is rare, my doc said it is not uncommon to not feel movement for 3-4 days, you start counting at 28 weeks. It is worse if you have an anterior placenta which I do (I'm 22w5d). If you're worried though, be sure to call your doc. You can also drink something really sugary and then lie on your left side to see if the little guy will move that way...
  • This happened to me at the same spot in my pregnancy. My little girl turned out to be just fine, she was just having a lazy spurt. Call your doc and get an appointment asap check the heartbeat and try not to stress too much because this is actually pretty common.
  • I agree with @angie87, for your true peace of mind call your doc so you don't stress :(
  • edited June 2011
    Thank u very much for yr advice girls. I will contact my gp asap. Thank u again xxxx
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