gas :(

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
So is anyone else havin gas issues? I'm 6 1/2 wks n its drivin me crazy!


  • Better than constipation
  • True very true
  • I have gas and constipation and more gas stuck behind the poop. It's how I gained almost 2 pant sizes and maybe 5 pounds at 10 weeks.
  • Haha now thats my.problem.sux at 26 weeks dont wanna get a hernia or anything
  • I feel like I can.t digest anything!
  • I feel so bloated for only 6 wks
  • I.burp exttemeley to much!! Every move is a loudddd burp!!!
  • I started having my mom buy apples, lots of apples, and would force down 2 apples a clears you out! And I'm drinking almost two 1.5 liters of water every day. We ran out of apples two days ago and haven't gone to the store yet and bam! Backed all up again... even water won't clear it out :(
    Apples have just the right amount of insoluble vs soluble pushes everything down the tubes so to say...the other promotes healthy digestion.

    Moral of the story —eat apples. Lmao
  • @ashes apple juice works too, I usually avoid it but desperate
  • Simply Apple is, in my opinion, the best apple juice. It's more like a cider, so it isn't as acidic as normal apple juice. Apple juice would upset my tummy before I got pregnant, except for the Simply. I water it down a little, and life is good.
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