Sometimes I Want To Hit Him

Ughhhh I'm in tears. My bd is great but he is so rude when he's crabby and now when I told him why I'm upset (since this is the first time he's asked me) he says "that was an hour ago, I don't get it". He's been in a piss poor mood since he woke up and when I bring to his attention I don't deserve to have his crabbiness taken out on me he says "I'm not gonna argue w u" and walks away. I'm sick of having to remind him of all the nice things I do for him and, not to mention IM CARRYING HIS CHILD..but I don't get to have a bad day or feel sick or anything. I'm so irritated to the point of tears, why can't he just try to make it right? Why does he have to walk away and be a little baby about it?


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  • Thanks @mshahir.. he's got a bad temper and I'm very even tempered.. almost passive and I typically ignore things to keep the peace but certain times I just wish he would try to smooth it over instead of walking away. It just makes me more upset,like u said.
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  • Wow, I'm sorry..that would scare me too and I can easily see how that could escalate that quickly. Good for you for saying what you said to him! D and I rarely fight, mainly because I just brush off the majority of his selfishness but it does hurt when he is Just plan rude or inconsiderate and self centered and can't see why his actions would upset me, nor does he try to see why I'm upset. Typical man, walk away cuz he thinks ill get over it quicker. I got news for him.. @mshahir
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  • That's nice @oregonmama but my bd doesn't have to put up with my crabbiness.. he hasn't had to this entire pregnancy so for him to be rude to me cuz he's crabby is just uncalled for. He and I never see each other. He works when I'm sleeping and I work when he's sleeping. He deserves to get sleep and do fun things w his free time, but when im doing everything that I can to make his life easier, he should really check his tone at the door and think about things before he blurts them out. I didn't say "carrying his child" like I was ashamed of it, you took that the wrong way. I love our child and can't wait til he is here. I said it because im not a crabass to him because of it and he wouldn't be able to handle being pregnant And do all the things I do..
  • But then again @oregonmama, heis a great man and I love Just irritated at the moment. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. And about staying w family? Heck no, we just put all our cash into our fully renovated, fully paid off house..I am staying no where but there!
  • @oregonmama thx.. not trying to run u off but I didn't want u to get the wrong idea. I know he deserves to have crabby days but I'm just feeling bummed that he is towards me. He was earlier then he opened his father's day gift, a new grill, wasn't crabby for a sec and then was again.. im super sensitive since I've been pregnant and I just take things to heart and I guess today isn't my day :(
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