For those who gave birth already. Its anyone using baby powder?

And if u are , what are the benefits?


  • Ive had 3 babies and the only use I've found for baby powder is to put on my face. Baby powder has never been used on any of my babies bums and it won't be used on this little guy
  • A friend told me that baby powder helps preventing diaper rash.. So far my baby hasnt get any rash yet, but starting next week im goin back to work n my hubby its gona b watchin our babygirl at nites while im working and he only check her diaper when she cry, or feeding times, idk but Im usually checking her diaper every hour or even often. Just to prevent a rash
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  • Im not using it, but im going to use corn starh cause its more natural. It just helps keep moisture away when the baby isnt wet
  • edited June 2011
    @shae and @almost4 thanks ladies . I guess I wont be using it
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  • Here's an amazing tip for when baby does get a rash. Put liquid mylanta on it. My first pediatrician recommended it and it works wonders. The only time I really ever remember my babies getting a rash was if they had diarehea and it was from the stomach acid.
  • It can cause asthma. Personally even if it was helpful I wouldn't use it. The smell makes me gag
  • I have never used it. If you are looking to prevent rashes, I found the best thing to use is desitin or Vaseline. They will both keep the area protected for long amounts of time like when the baby sleeps through the night. Our first is 17 months old and she has desitin on her every night until she no longer wears a diaper and or second is 2 weeks old and I put vaseline on her after every diaper change even though she is changed very often. I do forget sometimes to apply it but I make sure I apply it every night since she sleeps for 6 hours, just to prevent it. But no, I've never once used baby powder. I've only heard bad things about using it on little ones lately.
  • @MommyOfTwoPrincesses is there any difference between desitin and vaseline?

  • I also recommend Desitin; my little girl has horribly sensitive skin & it was the only brand that worked. I have also heard/read that baby powder is harmful for the baby's lungs.
    On a side note, however, I have had several mom's tell me to use baby powder when you go to the beach to get any & all excess sand off of you & your kids. I haven't had the chance to test it since they told me AFTER our vacation, lol... but they swear it works like a miracle! :)
  • We have it but we will not use it on him. I love desitin. It works wonders :)
  • The only thing baby powder was used for in my house was um..
    Well we would put it in balloons and blow them up and then pop them over eachothers heads.. Fun stuff.
  • I heard not to use it since it can cause the baby to have breathing problems
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