
edited January 2011 in Pregnant
Heyits been a while...got some news....I go to the doctors on Friday.....I still have the same symp and what not...I have been having lite spotting and my nose bled the other day....also mostly all my friends are now preggers...and there all atleast 3 weeks apart..wish me luck on this doctors appt I really want a baby..


  • I had nose bleeds with my first...I remember looking it up and its just another symptom, my fingers are crossed for you :)
  • Thanks the last time I had a nose bleed I was six....so thanks I got mines crossed as well
  • I still have nose bleeds! Its the increased blood circulation in your face. I've had them the whole pregnancy, along constant stuffy sinues. Its normal! Good luck.
  • thanks...my nose gets stuffy...too
  • My husband and I tried for a year to conceive our 2nd (it happened so easily with our 1st). I Google and research, bought ovulation test and all to do it naturally. I felt like I was just getting my hopes up. After trying for so long, my husband convinced me to go with the flow and quit stressing about it so much. I'm now 4 months with my 2nd. good luck to you.
  • I think it differs with most, I fell pregnant 1 month after I the injection was out of me ,
    Good luck , fingers crossed
    Baby dust to you :) x
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