I have a birth controll Q?

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
I had my lo 7 wks ago and are now on birth controll, my q is how important is it to take the bc at the same exact time everyday?


  • I took mine everyday @7 Monday through Friday when I got up for work. If I missed it that morning I would take with dinner on weekends I wouldn't take mine til about noon. Was on it for 6 years never got prego til I stopped taking it
  • 7 am not 7 pm oops
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  • It they are low dose or tricyclic then its absolutely important you take them within an hour of the same time every single day. My doc said the reason is because your body relies on the hormone coming in at the same time at a steady pace, if you take it later one day it throws it off and your body can or will ovulate to compensate for missed hormones.

    I got on a low dose right before I got prego and I didn't take them at the same time every day. So be careful!
  • Holy crapers on a cracker....lol well I believe I'm only taking half the pill because I'm breast feeding. So I better pick a time and stick to it...
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