
edited June 2011 in Depression
So im 24 weeks prego and im so depressed. I moved into an apartment close to my boyfriends town so we could be together. Well the rent is outrageous and he now lives with me. Problem is, he doesn't help out a single bit. I pay rent, cable/internet, electricity and OUR cell phone bills. I have to work my ass off every week to be able to pay for these things...I live paycheck to paycheck and eat with food stamps. I asked him to help
and he gave me 100$ for rent one month. Im just so physically and emotionaly drained. He doesn't help out now so why would he help out when our baby comes? Not only that but he makes double what I make in 2 weeks...I do laundry, dishes, clean the apartment. Not only that but I have no clothes that fit me besides work pants so I can't ever go out. I just feel like he completely takes me for granted. I rub HIS feet when my feet hurt...I halfway think he's only staying in this relationship until our baby is born or so I don't go after him for child support. our anniversary is monday and he doesn't even care...he said hell take me out, but only said it cuz I was upset...I just cry cuz he doesn't understand...


  • I'd leave him parenting is so much easier alone especially when the other half is barely if at all. Helping sorry Hun I been there
  • Ok now don't be depressed. First of all you're already doing it on your own , now what you can do is give him ultimatum , either he carries he's weight around or he's out. Don't cry hun, it will get better :) just stay calm and make sure you let him know how you feel and what you Want.
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