i need some support for the stay at home moms
I'm 24 weeks prego tmrw, since finding out that I was classified as high risk because of previous miscarriage and I'm overweight me and my Hubby have decided that I'm goin to stay home until after our baby girl is born. We don't want to take any chances. So I do everything for him and he works. I cook, clean, do laundry, I get his plate for him, take care of our animals. So basically I do everything at home, he works and gets to come home and relax. He makes decent money so were good. But today we had an argument about the money, he's been spending huge amounts of money. So a family member of his comments on his Facebook saying," how is she goin to support her child...when she don't work at ALL ...do I hear lazy!" K first of all its our child not just mine, we made this baby together! And I'm not lazy. It hurt because I can't work right now and I feel like a user..I think that's part of why I do everything at home and I don't ask for any help. I use to work and buy him stuff all the time. Am I wrong to say that being a stay at home mom is a full time job? Srry just needed to vent about this
but i would say your dh needs to be snapping back at that person and tell him that not only are you a sahm now but also that you are being careful as to not cause your or the baby harm. i hate when people have no idea how it works!!!!