i need some support for the stay at home moms

I'm 24 weeks prego tmrw, since finding out that I was classified as high risk because of previous miscarriage and I'm overweight me and my Hubby have decided that I'm goin to stay home until after our baby girl is born. We don't want to take any chances. So I do everything for him and he works. I cook, clean, do laundry, I get his plate for him, take care of our animals. So basically I do everything at home, he works and gets to come home and relax. He makes decent money so were good. But today we had an argument about the money, he's been spending huge amounts of money. So a family member of his comments on his Facebook saying," how is she goin to support her child...when she don't work at ALL ...do I hear lazy!" K first of all its our child not just mine, we made this baby together! And I'm not lazy. It hurt because I can't work right now and I feel like a user..I think that's part of why I do everything at home and I don't ask for any help. I use to work and buy him stuff all the time. Am I wrong to say that being a stay at home mom is a full time job? Srry just needed to vent about this


  • Not at all. That was rude for his friend to say that. I am also a stay at home mommy to be I have been since I was about 14 weeks. I think it is a full time job granted u don't get paid for it, it still takes up a majority of ur day keeping the house tidy. And if u mutually agreed to it there shouldn't be any judgements being passed.
  • It is a ft job, and that must be a stupid ignorant person, jst by saying "how is she gna support that child" what a dumbass, like its her/his fkng business, im a stay a. Homewifey and im not high risk, i love it. Dnt listen hun. And i wish u n bby a healthy and beutifull long life. Xoxo
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  • uhm being a stay at home mom is absolutely a full time job. i was roughly in the same position. i was on restriction with my first so after dh and i got married (16 wks prego) I stayed at home. i babysat a couple kids for a brief while until i was on bed rest @ 24 wks due to complete placenta previa. i was 19 yrs old, pregnant, newlywed, and a 3 bedroom, 3 floor house to keep clean 24/7. dh (hubby) worked. i have been a sahm since. then we had another and our two oldest are 15 months apart. to add to that i went to college full time, and yet i was still a "sahm" and was responsible for everything. last year our oldest was ready for school and i decided to homeschool. well then we found out this one... #3 is on her way, so i had to place our oldest in school. this fall both of our kids will be in school and i my due date for this one is the day the two start school. SO... I will have even more to add to my plate. I am dreading the responsiblities, i am a huuuuge neat freak.
    but i would say your dh needs to be snapping back at that person and tell him that not only are you a sahm now but also that you are being careful as to not cause your or the baby harm. i hate when people have no idea how it works!!!!
  • I definitely agree that being a stay at home mom is a full time job, its hard work. You don't get paid for it but your home is tidy & your husband is able to relax when he gets home & not worry about housework- therefore you are holding up your end of the deal and are NOT being lazy. Especially if you both agreed that this is the most ideal situation for you two & your baby. Don't worry about what other people think or say. :)
  • I work now but was a shm for my son till he was 1 1/2, been working a year now and my fiancee has started doing a few of the house and kid responsibilities. He always tells me he could never stay at home cause its way too much work :p
  • Thank you everyone, I'm tryin to get use to the stay at home mom to be thing. I feel like its a ft job, especially being 6 months pregnant and plus size. I cursed the family member out becuz its none of her business. I could see if I made him support me and I did nothing but lay around, but I don't. So screw her, me and my Hubby have this figured out and that's all that matters.
  • Exactly! :)
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