I'm tired of being treated like a kid!!

To understand the full story, you're going to need some backstory. Sooo... At 12 years old, my biological father raped me. I didn't tell anyone until I was 17, 5 years later. My mom and sperm donor divorced when I was 4, but ALWAYS argued. My sperm donor is psycho, literally. When I was 6 & 7 years old, he showed me how he was going to KILL my mom because she pushed the fact that his child support HAD TO BE PAID! That's how far off his perspection of reality was. So, as you can imagine, I had no childhood. I had to grow up fast so I could be in a courtroom to tell jurys about how he pushed drugs and alcohol on me when I was only 10, or about him showing up drunk at my mom's house at 3am with a gun saying he was going to kill all of us. I'm not saying "Oh my God. He ruined my life. Give me sympathy. Boo hoo." No. I just want everyone to understand that by the time I was 12, I had the mentality of a 20 year old because of the trials in life I faced.

Fast forward to today. I'm 19, pregnant, and engaged to a 33 year old, whom I've been with for almost 2 years, living together for 1. We were FULLY, 100% established when we planned this baby, but he was laid off. That can happen to anyone, reguardless of age, race, or whatever other standard you can possibly think of. But, all in all, I'm 19 and pregnant. Do I think like a 19 year old? Not even close. Does my 33 year old fiance' see me as a "young, hot piece of ass"? Not in the least. We're together because we motivate each other to move forward in life. Dispite age we are on the same mental level, simply because I lost my childhood. Together, we bust our asses to be the absolute best parents we can be for our unborn daughter and his 5 year old daughter, yet I still get criticized about being a "teen mom". I'm sorry, but I SUPPORT MYSELF, I feed myself, put clothes on my back, and pay my own bills. I AM NOT A "TEEN MOM" (in my mind). I think if anyone knows how hard life can get, it's me. Shit, just a couple of weeks ago I didn't even have a way to feed myself, and my fiance' was going without, BUT we didn't stop until we got EXACTLY what we wanted. Monday, my fiance' is walking into work, puching in, and making $14 an hour. Was it easy to get here? HELL NO! But, we didn't give up. WE ARE RESPONSIBLE ADULTS, QUIT TREATING US LIKE KIDS!!!!
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