Massive migraine... too far along to take anything...

So I have had this horrific migraine for 4 days and I can't take anything. I'm 37 weeks. Doctor told me no tylenol because it is pointless. So I ask... now what?!?!?! I think I'm going to beg for an induction at my next appointment. I can't take anymore! Massive migraines, SPD, the list goes on.
PS these BH are not helping...
Sorry, had to get it out


  • Try lying down in a dark room, mabey try a hot compress, or a cold whichever feels better to you, and drink lots of water. Sorry im not much help, hope it goes away soon!
  • Why no Tylenol hun? I took it up until I delivered with both my girls and it always helped.
  • @louisesfirstbaba. Thank u
    @mommyoftwoprincesses she said no tylenol because she is afraid I will take too much out of desparation. I was taking percocet for them up until a month or so ago, so plain tylenol barely helps as it is. Hopefully this thing kicks soon. We shall see I guess. Thanx
  • Ibuprofin has slimmmm chances of hurting the baby & I think its better than tylenol.
  • @caroline8_p the issue is if I go into labor I could bleed out if I take motrin because it thins blood. I am so excited to be "full term" but so irritated because that's my roadblock to relief :( I'm seriously going to beg my doc to induce me asap because I cannot do this much longer. Thank u
  • @casnleslie i knw exactly wat your goin thru a few weeks ago i was in a car accident & every since the accident i've been having horrible back pain & migraines & there's nothing the doc can prescribe me for pain.... and im only 20weeks along!! Wenever i feel a migrane i normally just TRY to take a nap but laying dwn makes it worse!! I hope you feel better!!
  • Have you tried a little cup of something caffinated?
  • I also was in a serious car accident 2 weeks ago today and all my Dr's I have a team of them have me on first vicodin and now norco every 4 hours for whiplash broken ribs concussion headaches. I'm 15 weeks and all Dr's including OB says this is fine for baby. I'm also on a licodern patch. As for migraine have you tried chiropractor I get migraines bad for up to 7 days and once I got and get my neck adjusted they go right away just a thought.
  • Take 1 excedrin. Its not enough caffeine to hurt baby and it has tylenol in it to help. I get migraines too and if I get desperate its the only thing that helps. Just 1 though. Good luck.
  • @PrayingForMiracles I will ask my doc... she has previously said no because of the aspirin in it
    @Mylittlemat2011 I am def going to try to find one that can adjust me this far along. She took me off the narcs because we don't want to risk the little one being born addicted. I'm totally at my whits end though :(
    @beaded_bunny I have :( No luck
    @mommyxoxo2 I was on the percocet until 32 weeks, so I don't understand why your doc won't help you. That much pain causes stress on the baby. I had to go to a high risk doc because of my migraines to get any pain management underway.

    Does anyone think if I beg hard enough she will induce me? I am full term and baby is doing wonderfully. Tear :'(
  • @Casnleslie both my OBGYN & Reg Physician tld me only i cld take tylenol... Even wen i went to the er they only wld give me tylenol nothing more.. I will try to tlk to them again thanks for the advice!!!
  • edited June 2011
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