completely paranoid

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
I have a 3 year old girl and 1 due july 4th. Pretty much since I had my 3 year old I've been paranoid about her getting kidnapped, raped, molested, anything. No I've never been raped or anythin nor anyone I know but I'm really scared about it. Its gotten worse and I think its because of my pregancy. One of her preschool friends mothers asked if janessa (my 3 year old) could maybe come over and play one day. And immediately I think of all the news stories I hear and everything. I mean 3 is young to go play at a friends house when I don't really know the family right? I let her go to our neighbors houses all the time because I really know them and completely trust them. One side of me thinks I over think (I'm always paranoid in pubic places 2 that she'll get snatched) but then again she's 3 you can never be to safe......what do u guys think? My boyfriend think I should maybe go to a counselor or someone, he's just worried for me.
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