edited June 2011 in Pregnant
I don't know if something is wrong with my relationship or if its the hormones or what's going on. But every night this week I've had a bad dream. 3 of them was about having a miscarriage or delivering still born and the others about my man cheating. And I just woke up from one... it was about my man cheating. I went down stairs and there he was sleep on the couch with the game and TV still on. I turned it off and covered him with a blanket kissed his cheek and told him I love him with tears running down my face. I just can't take these dreams anymore! They're stressing me out more and more. Now everyday in the back on my mind I'm thinking will today be the day that something in this pregnancy will go wrong and every night when I'm asleep upstairs and wake up I think is he still down stairs or has he left me. This shit is starting to hurt so bad!! The dreams are so real and vivid. I seriously woke up crying and hard!! What the heck is wrong with me??


  • Welcome to pregnancy dreams they are a bitch but you will be ok
  • it should just be the hormones, i have woken up crying of dreams like that too.. i even had a dream that i cheated on my husband.. which i would never do since i love him so much.. i cant wait for the pregnancy to be over so i can stop having this ugly dreams :(
  • @rissalee7 I've had weird dreams before but now they are just plane horrible. It feels like there's more to it.

    @Janet_2011 I really hope it is because it honestly feel like something more than that.
  • For first and secon trimester I got them lots but now in third I don't get them and only got a few every now and then for second trimester
  • @rissalee7 well I'm in my third. So maybe something really is wrong. I just can't even think straight I can't sleep anymore. Its 5:10am here I woke up from the dream around 4:15 or so and haven't went to sleep since.
  • O hunny I hope it gets better maybe bring it up with ur dr
  • I hate those dreams! Once I actually elbowed my sleeping husband, they seem so vivid! I honestly believe dreams like these are fears of all the what if's that could happen. Especially when your so protective of the ones you love. Lately, I've been dreaming of fires..yikes!
  • I do the weird dreams too it drives me nuts
  • I haven't had those dreams yet with this pregnancy but I still remember one I had with my daughter and she is 5 now. My dream it was in full color she was about three in dream playing on a hot wheel or some little trike and she was minding her own business playing I was out watching her when this car lost control came into our yard and hit her killing her. This dream was so real and freaked me out so bad that I would not allow her to get a dress like she was wearing play in front yard at all and she never had a trike hot wheel went straight for bicycle with training wheels! Even talking about it now brings tears to my eyes I can feel all those emotions and it was a dream almost 6 years ago. Good luck and I hope you get some peaceful rest soon very soon
  • @rissalee7 I feel better now that I've gotten some sleep but I just hope none of that stuff ever happens.

    @jamie77 yeah that could be it. Never really thought of it that way.

    @5lilangels yeah just too much at times especially back to back.

    @mylittleman2011 yeah see stuff like that sticks with you and I have them a lot.
  • The horrible thing is I had very vivid bad dreams before pregnancy. They've only gotten worse. I wake up in a panic atleast 3x a week reliving my first m/c. Its terrible. I recently had a dream I was in a coma for 3yrs and they had taken my little girl and she survived. After id woke up from the coma I found out dh had moved to another state with our little girl and refused to let any of my family see her. I woke up crying but I know 100% without a doubt he wouldn't ever do that to my family nor just leave me by myself in a coma.

    My dreams can be crazy wicked but then sometimes they can be so good u don't want to wake up, and they are always so vivid and realistic that if I were to get stabbed or something in the dream id still wake up with that pain.
  • You're going to drive yourself crazy worrying because if dreams. Just remember that what happens while dreaming is not real life. You And baby are going to be OK;-) However, I totally sympathize with you. I dreamt my hubby cheated on me with my sister. I woke up yelling at him and hitting him. He said he was so confused! Now its a big family joke;-) but to me then it was so real and I was devestated. I also have vivid dreams of mobsters trying to kill us and people breaking into our house to steal our kids. I wake up crying and have to check every window and lock and check on all 3 of our babies. Pregnancy dreams are crazy!
  • I had a dream last night that a dresser was haunted by ghosts and they could mess with the lights and everything. It freaked me out so much I couldn't sleep in my room last night.
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  • @yaya. I am so sorry your having nightmares...I went through it with my son who's 5 and now w this pregnancy they suck..but recently (after having a horrible one ) I. Talked to a specialist and she said in "dreams" life means death and while preggers ur hormones are so hightened that u will have all sorts of sexual dreams about al kinds of weird things (ie. Diff ppl that shouldn't slee together ect) tmi but mine was my pastor asked for a bj lol sry not trying to "down play" how u feel they suck flat out but maybe the explanation will help a lil that they're not too out of the ordenary! Good luc hope u sleep peaceful!
  • Ps the one that sent me to see her I was in my dream of course...trying to kill my neice and nephew...I cried for 2 days! Again I'm sorry!
  • I've had like 50 dreams about my bd cheating on me! I feel so bad because I'll wake up SO MAD at him and he's like "What did I do?!" Haha. Everyone tells me it's normal with pregnancy and that he's not really cheating on me.
  • @rckprincess2 yeah I was like that before too. And now it just gets worst

    @mommyo3soon2b4 yeah I have to tell myself that but I've had a miscarriage before and my man has cheated a few times so it hard to brush it off sometimes.

    @augustmommy2b lol I do the same thing sometimes. Or have to close all the closets in the house. Lol

    @almost4 that's really how it is. Even though you've woken up its hard to just take yourself out of that feeling and emotion.

    @2ndmiricleontheway yeah that would send me to see one too. I'm sorry you had to go through that. Hopefully it will get better and I can start having happy and funny dreams. "Hopefully"

    @bentleysmommy yeah like I know he's not cheating on me now he has in the past and he does little things that he shouldn't but he hasn't cheated in a while. So I need to have faith in him and know he's doing right by me and that the baby will be fine. (I mean he beats me everyday! *the baby*)
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  • Those dreams are terrible. Ive had several of the husband cheating dreams one was of him with his bm which pissed me off! But mostly I just felt like throwing up when I dream those. And I've had dreams where I wake up in my dream covered in blood so when I actually wake up my husband thinks I'm insane bc I'm feeling for blood all over the sheets.
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  • @almost4 I know right. I wish I could just change a dream while on having it.

    @baybee1aug10 yeah my man does the same. Like wth is wrong with you?? And I'm crying trying to explain lol.

    @lmfao! Wish you would have commented when I woke up from my dream that would have made me feel a lot better. But my man barely sleeps in the same bed as me anymore he's always down stairs.
  • @usmcwifemommy101107 last one was for you.
  • @yaya i been having crazy dreams since my pregnancy as well in my 1st trimister i was having dreams that my bf was cheating i wld wake up & threating him & he just thought i was crazy lol!!
  • @mommyxoxo2 I know that look and feeling. Lol. I get it a lot.
  • @YAYA I woke up this morning so pissed @ my husband cause I dreamth he was messing with his friends sister in 1980.. it was kinda funny because we were both born in 77 ...he laugh n we played the number. 1984 came out have so many dreams we are arguing or my water broke Way to early ..I asked my friends, siblings n my doctor who says the same thing pregnancy dreams are so weird I keep dreaming in the past like when my 1st son was 5 (15 now) or when my mom was still living n we are in the kitchen cooking together ..I wake up in tears... it will get better my husband told me I go to sleep with TOO much on my mind plus I snack late sometimes ...its just apart of the symptoms
  • @simonesincere I'll just be happy when they finally go away. I'm just tired of having them.
  • @mommyxoxo2 me I threaten him..I be mad throughout the day...its so weird cause he keeps saying. "OMG ITS JUST A DREAM" I'm like "IT BETTER BE FOR UR SAFETY"... lol... now I can tell him SEE IM NOT THE ONLY ONE THAT HAVE THESE DREAMS.LOL
  • @simonesincere lmao I know right because if not us preggers are going to jump him! And I know I just told my man see I'm not the only one.
  • I don't know if i can relate but i had dreams my hubby was cheating a lot in the beginning but he's actually extremely loyal, i think its just a subconsious fear we have.. now in my 3rd trimester i keep dreaming that we have a little asian baby with a thick spiky afro (&we are both white)!! LMAO or i dream that I'm breastfeeding my baby and its like hairy like a monkey! Lol
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