so angry!

just got back from a doctors appointment, and the doctor was a useless arse! I went for some unsight to what's been happening with my body over the last few days and came out knowing naff all! she tryed telling me that I can take cocodamol for my back aches when I know full well you arnt allowed it during pregnacy she never checked my blood pressure or my temp even though Ive got symptoms of high blood pressure, ugghh so pee'd off now, I hate all doctors in England there all useless


  • Do you have tylenol in England? Sometimes it helped my back aches. You honestly should switch clinics if you can, every mother no matter what country we live in should be getting a bp check, weight gain check and urine sample at every visit!
  • nope we get nothing upto 34 weeks you have a check up with a midwife every 3 weeks were she measures the baby and monitors there heart beat checks urine sample and blood pressure. then you visit her every two weeks from 36 weeks but she's only at my doctors on a Wednesday, oh and they check your weight at the start of your pregnancy and at the end, its all done wrong over here they don't check your cervix unless your admitted to hospital with problems, they leave it till your in labour
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