28 wks n cramping, anyone else???

edited June 2011 in Pregnancy symptoms
For the past 2 or 3 days I've been cramping in my lower abdomen, mainly on my left side... I'm pretty tolerable to pain so I've kinda looked over it but now I'm starting to think it could b sumthn serious. Does anyone else hav this and could it just b from my lil man making more room? I'm 28w5d


  • Cramping like period cramps go in l&d they will monitor u. Ligament pain is probably what it is since its only one side but doesn't hurt to call or go to l&d to b checked last thing anyone wants is early labor
  • @azmom its usually only when I stand or roll over in bed. It's prob just ligament pain bc it doesn't feel like period cramps. I'll prob call doc just in case.
  • Yeah I get it a lot as well especially when I'm pushing a shopping cart lol
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