Have any of u dreamed the sex of your baby and it been right? My two other children I dreamed were boys and are. This one I've dreamed its a boy and last night its a girl. LOL. I know there's only one baby. Just asking?
I didn't dream about actually giving birth to a baby girl, but dreamt that I had a little baby girl in a carseat in the backseat of my car. Sure enough I'm having a girl(:
I keep having dreams with 3 children. Two girls a year apart then a boy 5 or 6 yrs younger. Always the same 3 just a different ages. A few times I had even been prego with what seemed like a 4th. im prego with a lil girl. I guess in a yr if I wind up prego with another girl I should probably pay more attention to my dreams lol
I dreamed along time ago my first was going to be a girl and she had curly redish blonde hair w blue/green eyes and my son who was younger looked like my husband but w curlyer hair like me I'm 20 weeks and 3 days I'm having aa girl allyssa ann