First appointment!!!

edited June 2011 in First Trimester
I just finished my first prenatal visit. I got an ultra sound. Baby has grown so much since I had my car accident and had one at the E.R. My dr laughed and said baby is moving around a lot. The baby is measuring one week smaller, my a.f. has always been irregular. But he isn't changing my due date! One week is no big deal he said. :) Any other December Due Date mommies had their u/s's yet?


  • Yep. I had my ultra sound at 10 weeks. It was moving and had a good heart beat. The pics I got has its hand closeto its face. So cute. I ccant wait til I get the gender scan to see how much its grown. Lol. How did the appointment go? Are you excited?
  • @chevygirl I had an u/s on friday and my doc changed my dd to Dec 28. How was your visit? Any morning sickness for you?

    @angel26 My u/s showed my baby with both hands up in front of face also. It is very cute!

    Congrats to both of you!
  • My u/s also said dec 28 but my dr is keeping it at dec31. I wish he would move it forward some. I'm not really excited about having baby on christmas or new years eve. Lol. I hope this one comes a little early.
  • angel26 @Babynewyear2012, everything went good. I have to do the 24 hr urine collection so they have it to compare to later on. Yes I've had more morning sickness this past week than ever! But I'm thinking its because of all the stress I'm under now.
  • I am excited but scared. My husband is permanently gone. Was arrested for burglary. I'm in shock. Also found out he cheated. Right now I'm so depressed. I'm trying to get out of this funk for the health of the baby.
  • @chevygirl Sorry you are alone and depressed. I hope your baby will bring much joy to your life.
  • Thank you! Me to.... @Babynewyear2012
  • @chevygirl I'm sorry to hear that. Do you have any other kids? Or iis this the first?
  • @angel26, I do. She is 7. The light of my life right now. Her father walked away when I showed him the pregnancy test. So this is the same exact thing all over again. I remarried, life was great! Then bam! Got knocked down again. All I've ever wanted was normal. I doubt I will ever get that.. how are you ladies doing? I hope well. I am better, these last 3 days have destroyed me. I am moving to my grandma's. I have through July at my apartment, then I will be moving. Scared I will have to do it alone.
  • That sounds ruff. I really hope things get better for you. I have 2 boys they are 4 and 2. I am here if you ever want to talk. I'm good at listening, I haven't really been in your situation but I have been through a lot. I just hope things get better, I will be thinking of you and praying that things work out and your growing family stays healthy and happy.
  • Thank you. I'm doing ok, have my moments. Lol, but staying strong.I have an interview tuesday! Hope I get it. Hard trying to get a job and telling them your prego lol! Thanks. Hope you are doing well@angel26
  • That's good for staying strong. Good luck on the job interview. I hope you get it. I'm doing ok. Had a long day today and I'm tired and been having some pain but of well. Thanks for asking.
  • Didn't get it. Basically because I'm prego and she "wants a work horse"
  • Oh that's not cool. I'm sorry. I've been doing child care at my church. Its not much but its something.
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