Stomach tightening???

edited June 2011 in Second Trimester
Everytime I get enough energy and start tackling simple cleaning tasks at my house my stomach starts to tighten and feel super heavy like I need to pull the weight up I don't know its just very uncomfortable for example last night I thought I would finally hang up all of the picture frames in my house well afterwards I was almost out of breath and my stomach was very hard has this happen to anyone else?


  • How far are you? May be Braxton Hicks??
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  • Humm I'm 21 weeks but it goes away when I get off my feet probably braxton hicks if anything though I can't remember what contractions feel like I had my daughter 3 years ago and was induced and had a c-section after not progressing from a 3 after 16 hours. I think ill make sure I rest more sucks because its not like I'm doing hard manual labor:)
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  • Stop cleaning. Tadaaaa!
  • Ha ha I can't stand a messy house though so braxton hicks come this early?
  • yup braxton hicks! i was vacuming today and my tummy was hard the whole time until i sat down but im trying to start contractions though my due date is wednesday
  • yup braxton hicks! i was vacuming today and my tummy was hard the whole time until i sat down but im trying to start contractions though my due date is wednesday
  • Braxton hicks, I've had them since 6 months and its frustrating when they happen it kind if slows me down. I'm 35 weeks 5 days and they have gotten stronger
  • Geez well I def dont want to bring on my labor so early good luck to you proudmommy8789
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