September mommies!



  • Due 9-27 :) a little boy! Tanner Lee
  • Due Sept 22nd and I'm having a little princess her name is zoey giselle ;) cant wait !!!
  • Congratulations everyone! It's getting closer. The writing is driving me bonkers:P
  • im due sept 29, with a lil girl n im on my double digit today yay for 99 days left.
  • Due 9-27 with a girl, not sure on her name yet.
  • Due sept first baby. A boy we are naming him Rion! When I think about the time thats past since I've been prego it seems fast. But when I think about the time ahead it feels like it will take forever!
  • Due September 27 with our first! A little boy who will be named Khari Prince <3! I can't wait to meet him!
  • I'm due Sept 21st, a girl, my first, and her name is Alivia Grace. I'm 27 weeks today and beyond eager to hold her.
  • I am due septemebr 7 with a boy. Hoping for a August delivery too :)
  • im due sept 16 with a boy Tre'vyn Lamont. 27 weeks an 5 days. congrats an goodluck to u!
  • Due Sept 1 with Raiden Martin. But being induced august.
  • 9/10/11 with Dylan Scott :) ...Anyone else not prepared at all?? Lol
  • I am freaking out lol!
  • @soontohavethree i just realized not only are both of our 6 yr olds named ethan but we have the same due date! (If i was having a girl her middle name would've been lucille!) Clearly we have alot in common! Hehe :)
  • @ethansmommy122 that's great! Ethan obiviously was a very popular name 6yrs ago :) Launas middle name will only be Lucile IF my sister Lucy can make it though my labor/delivery :) lol she thinks its very gross and disgusting so we made a deal if she can make it through I'd name my only daughter after her lol.

    Where ya from?
  • Due Sept 5 With Ka'Dyn Aaleah Bing
  • I'm due sept 7th, my second girl :) we're go to name her Aubrey Nicole!
  • @soontohavethree lol thats awesome, lucille was my great grandmothers name...Im from chicago, you?
  • @ethansmommy122 about 6hrs southwest in the lovely state of iowa
  • im due september 26th with my first. we're having a boy and finallyyyy decided on a name: jeremy jace (:
  • Due September 10th. Don't know whether I'm having a girl or a boy. Can't wait but getting a little nervous now.
  • im getting closer 12 weeks more to go
  • Its wild!!! Im 27 weeks today and getting super excited. This has been the fasest time of my life!! Btw we are having a girl due sept 27 :)
  • I'm due Sept 10th with a boy. Im going to name him Caleb John
  • edited June 2011
    Im due sept 26 with a lil boy Jalen Amir
  • i'm due September 27th also, my third boy I think we're naming him Wyatte Declan lol I can't make up my mind though :)
  • Due september 25 so we're close with our first a girl, we're naming her Maxine Danielle Eileen
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