I really need some advice ladies....please help me... topic related to pets... ::long story...::

Ok i will start off by saying that i am not a big pet lover...im not rude to animals no way...but i am just not the type of person to be a pet owner...i really just dont wanna be bothered, in less its a fish...but anyway...that is the complete opposite of what my husband is...he has been infatuated in dogs for the past year or so...and has been having these little fantasies of walkin his dog down the street so he can fit in with dog owners, and possibly train the dog to get him a drink out of the refrigerator...(as we saw on you tube)
So heres the story, since september last year we have had 3 dogs... a boxer that was out first puppy, we all loved him at first because no one knu exactly how it was raising a dog, just after the first night, i was ready for him to go...he cried all night long in his crate, and i didnt get not one wink of sleep, my husband can sleep thru a natural disaster and make it all night...so ofcouse im the one who has to go and try to get the dog to be quiet, to make a long story short...they dog pooped in the crate, outside the crate and anywhere he can get his doggy butt too...we would take him outside often but he just was comfortable in going inside...my husband never cleaned up poop and hardly took the dog out..and i was gettin fed up...with all this going on i find out that he is still lookin for a german shepherd dog online...he was planning to sell the boxer to get a german shepherd...so im like we spent 1200 on a dog that you never really wanted anyway? he sold the boxer just a lil after 3 months of having him for 300 and he brought a german sheperd instead..because he said that was what he really wanted...im still standing around with question marks on top of my head.

After just a month of having the german shepherd dog..my husband realized that she didnt look like a german shepherd full breed, so he wanted to look for a full breed, im asking him if he is crazy or what...this pup ended up being half g.s and half yellow lab. and it was not what he wanted...so there is more money going down the drain, Sooooo no he sells the mixed pup, and travels all the way to north carolina (we live in Va) to pick up this pure breed g.s dog...after having him for a month, he had to be labled as the worse dog ever....pee, poop, hair. chewing, my house liteally smelled like dog...and who do you think took care of all these dogs?????? ME! my husband never did nothing for these animals...and i told him from the jump that i didnt want a dog....to much responsibility...we had the dog for 3 months..and i couldlnt take it no more..so i sold this one..and my husband literally didnt talk to me for a week...he said we was never gettin a dog again..and i said that is fine with me...we got a baby on the way, out apartment is small, and all the money we wasted on dogs is ridiculous, So here we are 2 months later after selling the g.s puppy, and he is on his hunt again...i was so content on not having a dog, im focused on school and my baby in september, not taking care of a puppy, its alot of work...and he tells me that im not supporting him because i dont want a dog...well sorry, everybody does not want a dog..im happy with the way my life is now....and besides we dont even have the money, we need to get stuff for our baby, what do i do....i really really dont want the responsiblitly of a puppy....


  • No offense, but you've been through 3 dogs. Call a spade a spade and don't allow him to get another puppy. It's mean to the dogs and stressful for you.
  • Your allowed to have big dogs in your apartment?
  • @LilOneOnTheWay no offense taken..yes it is mean to the dogs..i mean we do find them a good home, so its not like we take them to the pound... but i feel worse for my kids because they see so many dogs come n and out this house..and like you said it is stressful for me...to me taking care of a dog is not a one person job...and i never wanted the responsibiltilty anyway....i will pet some one elses dog..but i dont want one of my own...

    @lucy_loo_288 yes we can..thats why my husband wont move....
  • He had 3 strikes, he's out!
  • edited June 2011
    @septmama I totally get it. We have 2 dogs and it is a lot of work. in fact, it gets hard to juggle between hubby and I and we both love dogs. I think you should tell him the baby on the way is priority number one and no more doggies! Ha ha! Good luck and remember now is not the time to add additional stress. not to mention, the breeds he likes are very stubborn, active and need lots of training! It's tough.
  • @alilboulding lol thats what im saying....
    @LilOneOnTheWa yes...a dog can wait, i dont know why he feels the need to have one now..when i kno imma be takin care of it..im not tryin to spend the rest of my pregnancy cleaning dog pee and poop, i wanna relax, maybe later down the line, but not right now....
  • Ok soooooooooo many points here.
    first off, a dog is a big responsibility. He needs to realize that if you both aren't invested 100% in said responsibility, then of course any dog your get is going to act up like the dogs you already tried. They will poop, whine, chew all because they need the attention all the time. When you first get a dog you train them on a lead (leash) ALL the time unless you leave the house, in which you crate. It's a LOT of work that HAS to be done, it can't just be forgotton about.
    Secondly, he wants a dog for all the wrong reasons. I could tell you that from the first dog. If he fell in love with the pups personality, then pup would have been family and he would have invested the time needed to train the dog and not just sell it a couple months later. IMO that is what pet ownership is about, it's finding a part of your family, even if its just you and dog that is your family. And everyone I've ever known with a dog feels pretty much the same way.
    Thirdly, having a dog already is such a HUGE responsibility ...in an apartment? Why such large breeds? They need space, on top of time. Kind of another hint he's getting a dog for the wrong reasons...I mean if he cared about the pups well being he wouldn't consider getting a large breed for a small area.

    Bring a few of these points up to him....
  • I would simply put your foot down! I've had to do the same with my hubby a little. I'm a major dog lover, we have a small mutt and we had gotten a black lab. Well we live in a small apt and the lab was too high energy and no matter what we tried she kept destroying everything. Well we gave her to my parents and immediately my hubby went looking for another dog. I had to simply tell him absolutely not. If your hubby can't get his butt up to take care of the dog he wants than he doesn't deserve one.
  • I agree you been thru 3dogs in a short period of time...he isn't taking responsibility n u don't need to...maybe make an agreement when you own your own house w a fenced yard u will agree to a dog? But if you're in an apartment its not fare..especially large breeds n gs are smart n when bored extremely destructive......tell hubby pet policy's changed lol
  • Agree. Three strikes, you're out.
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  • Rabbits n cats. Walk on leashes too less mess lol
  • Damn. I'd be scared as hell to be a dog in your house. Maybe consider a ferret or something? :/
  • Ask him what kind he's getting so you can get your Craigslisting ready because the first time it shits or pisses and you have to clean it up the ad is going up. Maybe he'll realize Your just going to keep selling every dog he brings in the house. I'm not saying You should get a dog but why not the pound where you can get an adult dog that is trained and house broken. Just saying it makes more sense. I think they will let you try dogs to see if they work with your family.
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  • He either needs to realize they are his dogs and his responsibility..you need to worry about things to get ready for baby..either he takes care of the dog to where you dont deal with it or he makes the dog an outside dog so it wont be a problem in the house. If he cant compromise then no dog. If he gets a dog get a maltese or poodle or another non shedding dog.. they dont shed cause dandruff and they are small dogs.. but also tell him to get one a little older like a year old.. that way they dont cry for momma
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