@Mommy2IsaiahNGiselle. I am!!! Everyone told me the last few weeks would be miserable but I didn't imagine they would be like this. I feel like each day is 100 hours long and in slow motion. I want her here already!!
@Mommy2IsaiahNGiselle. Not a specific date at my appt(Friday) he said they would induce if I go a week over but he doesn't think that will happen because I'm already dialated and its my first baby I hope he is right because I really want an all natural birth and induction would mess up my birth plan but ill do what he says is best
@Mommy2IsaiahNGiselle. I'm tons nervous!!! I try not to think about how painful its going to be because I know its all worth it but I keep having nightmares and I'm soo ready to get it over with. This pregnancy has been torture and I'm ready for my prize hehe