does anyone else have a sore tongue

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
So recentlybmy tongue has become REALLY sore, same diet and drinking loads of water but its soooo annoying, its constantly burning and the tip is bright red, anyone know how to defeat the gilgamesh burning tongue?


  • You haven't eaten more vinegary or sour foods than normal? Or burned it and didn't realize? Weird lol sorry I don't have much help for you :(
  • My toungue has been sore too but my dr says its because when I sleep I must be snoring all night with my mouth open so its getting very dry....and since ive been pg im snoring alot!
  • Nope no snoring, no vinegar... everything is the same...
  • @zkarimah could be low iron too...u might want to get that checked...I am anemic and have a burning tonguw especially on the sides often.
  • Yeah its around the sides and the tip... they feel like they're on fire - I'll bring that up with my doctor
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