Leftover Money and on foodstamps

I'm so ticked. This woman is on foodstamps and after everything has $50 left and put it in a savings account. Damn, and some people saying she's abusing the system. Wtf! It's $50 a month. Some people need to get a grip. Shit! That just made me mad!


  • I see ur point. It isn't much. But I go by only take what u need. And what about people that get denied bc there is no money left and really need the food and aren't getting it bc they are giving out to much money and people aren't using it.
  • How did she get it into a savings account. I'm on foodstamps and I get the most my state will provide but we don't ever have anything left! My hubby and daughter eat like they are the ones prego LOL!
  • edited June 2011
    It would be nice to be able to spend the left over money, but it's food stamps and for food. I see what u mean, but I dont think that's right. This is why so many ppl get denied when they need food. Yeah it's $50, but $50 of tax payers money going into her account.
  • @lilbabythree and @prayin4aBoy shes been saving for her baby and her husband works.but I mean how do you expect to get off if you don't have any type of savings. I mean I'm sorry for people who don't have anything left but she's saving money for her baby that foodstamps can't buy. Foodstamps can't buy diapers,clothes,and other baby necessities.
  • edited June 2011
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  • @Almost4 her husband works and they save his leftover money. $50. Not from the stamps.
  • Ooooh so the $50 was her hubbys money? Ok I get it. Then no that's not abusing the system. If they need extra help they are entitled to it. Forget what everybody else says.
  • Oh I got you now I thought you meant it was coming out of her foodstamps. I don't see anything wrong with that! I get extra money too but my hubby makes tips and foodstamps don't count tips anyway. Unfortunately most of my extra money goes to bills or my daughter.
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  • I don't get much with $87 monthly. I am on my 3rd kiddo, but Hey it helps. Sometimes i get pissed at those women that get $1000 and so many Kids. 5kids i suppose. Lying that they Are single and still mingle with bf. I am really single, no man. And i have always worked! Why can't i get at least $100 ?
  • I get extra money and am on food stamps. Its not enough money to sustain a household though and Im on school.
  • In school*
  • I think its awesome that she is saving that money to use for the baby instead of just trying to find another way to get "free money" and blowing that.

    Ppl who help themselves are good in my book. Tell her dnt let negative ppl get her down.
  • Ikr and they claim she's abusing the system like how the hell is she supposed to save for her baby? And its $50. And they also said she shouldn't be on foodstamps. $50 a month isn't shit to get food. What only a couple of days worth of food? @prayin4aBoy @Mama_kat @BeautifulOne

    @Moroccanmexicanbaby ikr. Where do u live that you only get $87?
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  • In TX! i don't get cash, or whatever u call it but i only get foodstamps which is $87 .i assume because i am not living in public housing. I pay all my dues! I am so decieved.
  • They obviously dont understand how hard things are. Hell everybody is struggling in this economy. They need to stop worrying about what she is doing and worry about themselves.
  • @Moroccanmexicanbaby wow really.I have the card but I'm not single(they know I'm not) I get more. But I hear people say the Texas system is messed up.with fs and Medicaid....but at least you said it helps.

    @Almost4 ikr.wtf was there problem. Some of the people who said that probably save hundreds and buy unnecessary things.
  • @BeautifulOne exactly! They have nothing better to do than talk shit. And said if you're on assistance then you shouldn't be having a baby...I wanted to slap the mess out of them.
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  • edited June 2011
    @Moroccanmexicanbaby I live in Dallas and I get $200 in fs. I dont live in public housing either. I would never!
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  • Wth kind of mess is that? So what we should of all aborted our seeds? Fuck outta here! What that woman does is her business. At least her husband works and is providing. Everybody needs help sometimes. The hell with them. Lol
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  • The hell with them. They can kiss ass!!!!They really sound stuck the hell up.
  • edited June 2011
    @Almost4 Ikr! I can't stand ppl like that. All judgemental and what not. They have some nerve.
  • Maybe she's buying hamburger instead of steak or using coupons to stretch her food stamps. I say good for her. If she used the money for cigarettes or beer would that be better.
  • I get enough money a month on food stamps, BUT I still coupon and save 45% on my bill to make it go the extra. I also use coupons to get everything 45-50% off due to hubby being on umemployment. 50$ isn't ANYTHING! We use to be able to save 35$ a week,now we are able to save nothing! Ugh!
  • props to her for making smart choices and being able to save money for her lil one. i get 200 a month for me and my bf, (his son isnt on my case but obviously we feed him too when we have him) and prior to pregnancy it would last us no problem. now with me actually eating more than once a day we generally spend out of pocket at some point during hte month. my case worker said once my lil one gets out of me it should go up
  • I like tx system!
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