Driving me CRAZY! xP

So I wasn't feeling well last night. I was crampy, having random contractions, and back pain last night, and I managed to sleep it off. This morning I started out with severe pelvic pain (AGAIN) and my back was achy. So I tried using some heat and it helped just while I was sitting, but my 17mo old son has been having the craziest mood swings today! First he was grouchy and running around fussing. He kept rubbing his eyes so I tried to lay him down for a nap. It took three times to get him to lay down. Finally, he falls asleep, but where he usually takes a 2 1/2 - 3 hour nap he only took a 1 1/2 hour nap and woke up screaming. Then he was super grouchy once again; screaming about everything and anything. I did my best to console him but it took him smacking on things and throwing things to be happy. So I've been chasing him as he proceeds to climb furniture, smack on breakable items that can't be hidden away (like the tempered glass TV stand my husband thought was an appropriate purchase) with hard objects, screaming at the top of his lungs and destroying everything he possibly can! It's giving me contractions, stressing me out, and every time I get up to take him off of something he's climbing on or to take away something he's smacking or throwing around I double over from the pelvic pain. I can't stand it! I've been dealing with pelvic pressure and pain for weeks now, and the contractions as well; random as they may be. I want it to stop, but I'm not necessarily interested in inducing labor either. Sadly, that's what the doctor said my only solution is - to have my little man. GRRRRRRR!!!!!!


  • My mom thinks maybe he'll wear himself out...on the plus side his bedtime is 2 hours away; maybe he'll go to sleep at his usual time!

    Oooh, contraction. >w<
  • So...you can't give kids Ny-Quil..?
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  • My Dad gave it to me! Not saying it's right, but... @angieahrens
  • @blueberrysmom If only! xD LoL JK.
    @angieahrens He is so hyper that he'll only stare at the TV for a few minutes and then dash off to get into more mischief. >w< He's staring at the tube right now, but that's not gonna last long! ^^;;;
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  • He's STILL throwing things! And most of the time he throws today he throws things at me! X( His sister's pop gun, my bottle of water, other little toys... :O
  • my mom just beat us until we were tired.
  • @ll10 Sounds more like my dad. >w<
  • Hooray, I'm hurting again! :D This is AWESOME!
  • And my son just followed me in the bathroom and threw a toy at my belly as hard as he could - then he laughed! And now he's crying because I took the toy away! UGH!!!!! I want it to be bedtime NOW!
  • And he did it again with an action figure! >w< Seriously, I wish someone was willing to come over here and help me with him once in a while. :(
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