Is it okay to drink Lipton Green Tea???????

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I LOVE Green tea I drink ALOT of it and I hope its not bad for my growning baby. I'm very curious.


  • My dr said to stay away from green tea
  • Yeah, some herbal tees are harmful in large amounts, so I'd check with a doc :)
  • Yes, plus tea is said to be a constipant. And all the caffine.
  • My bf has an app on his phone that said green tea is (especially) bad because it breaks down the folic acid in your body...I was sad because I love green tea and had one with breakfast the other day :/

    Damn. And I do love me some green tea. I'll have to ask if an Arizona or two a week is ok.
  • Dang...I drink one or two everday guess I gotta let it go :((. Thanks for the information.
  • wow, i didn't know... guess i had a feeling because I have been eyeballing it but not buying....thanks for the info.
  • I had figured it was a better choice than coffee if desperate for a little boost. But maybe not. The 'all things in moderation' rule probably applies here, you know?

    My appointment is tomorrow, so at least I get to ask soon.
  • Plz ask and let me know wat the doc says my app not until next week!
  • I've been wondering the same thing. Last week I was at a meeting where they had it and I took one sip and just got a bit paranoid so I threw it away
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