whats everyone going to name their baby?



  • I find out around march 3rd what we are having but for a girl its gonna be isebella kayann marie or maybe just bella kayann marie haven't decided yet and we haven't decided on a boys name yet! Both midddle names are women in our families mmiddle names :)
  • If a girl um going wit chrisette michia if a boy um going with Christopher or saleem
  • My lil girl will be Jasira Kanani
  • Sophia Lanaee <3 for my babygirl :)
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  • Annaleia Elicia for my daughter coming march 28th
  • If it's a girl her name will be Marley Mae and if its a boy Gabriel john
    Different but I love them
  • We r having a baby boy and have decided to name him Áedán (old gaelic spelling of Aidan) Patrick. Fell in love with the name but wanted it to be a lil more unique so we decided to go with the older spelling. And Patrick is in every male name in my family, so I figured we'd stick with that tradition.
  • We naming our little guy Silas Legend or Silas Archer Legend ;-)
  • edited February 2011
    We're having a girl and naming her.
    Abigail Mae_Ann!!!!!
  • We r having a boy and he will be Maximus Oliver. Oliver was my pawpaws middle name.
  • Delilah Ann, Christyana Rae, or Meeyah Rose for a girl. If its a boy. After the daddy. He's already a 3rd so if we have a boy he wants to keep that tradition going.
  • Were expecting a girl I'mhooked on maddison frances but if some how shes a boy dad can name him he named tge last 2 aiden desmond n logan robert
  • I'm naming my baby boy Carter :)
  • My son will be named izander zamael....if i have a girl in the future, her name will iromani (still haven't decided the middle name)
  • Well..my baby is asian and white...so we chose Cameron Samnang (samnang meaning lucky!)
  • If i have a boy he is gna b Karter. If i have a girl she will b Kayden. Either sex is gna b KJ, we already have a nick name lol
  • We find out on the 7th of march what we're having but if its a boy Bryce Andrew or for a girl Kayli Lynne.. andrew being daddys middle name & lynne being my moms middle name :) hubby picked boys name & I picked girls.
  • For a boy Ryland Lory Allen (Lory after my dad who passed away 6 years ago)
    Still deciding on girl but love Alyx Andria Grace.
  • I'm having a boy so Mason Alexander Jordan, but if it were a girl Brooklynn Simone Jordan
  • If I'm lucky enough to finally have a girl after 2 boys we decided on Annabella Cherrie or Annabella nicole. Haven't picked a boy name because we can't agree on one. I want to name a boy after mine or his dad which would be jerry or jack
  • So far Its Scarlett Kathryn! Maybe we wont change it! May Is going to be here before we know it!:)
  • If its a boy Mateo and a girl Elianna :) hubby picked both my name is Lliliana
  • If its a boy King a gurl reinalys
  • I'm plaining on naming my baby if its a girl after my great gma marie elizabeth and a boy would be grantley shawn!!
  • Boy.... Ian Noah Hail
    Girl....Gatlynn Angelica Narci
  • Im naming my baby girl Ariel Ayana
  • Were havin elizabeth good old name
  • Aww my names Arielle :)
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