Anyone with words of encouragement?

edited February 2011 in Trying to conceive
Hubby and I are ttc and this was yet another failed attempt it seems. (This was only our second failed attempt, but it is still shaking me to the core.) I feel like giving up. I want to talk to my friends, but I know they will only listen out of obligation. Basically I am sitting here by myself in tears and wondering why we bothered. We don't use bc of any kind. We have been married for 2 years and thought it woud just happen...nope. He has a low sperm count. He has a daughter, but I am childless. Anyone with words of encouragement because I am ready to just quit.


  • The only thing you can do is relax and wait. The more stressed you are the harder it is. Your body will react to the stress. I was there before, took 2 years to conceive my first and I took fertility drugs. It will just hsve to be patient. I know its hard but it's necessary. Good luck and baby dust :)
  • Take comfort in the fact that you know why you are having trouble conceiving. If he has a low count, it may take you twice as long to get pregnant. The best thing for you to do now is take care of yourself. The healthier you are, the better your chances are of conceiving, and your body will be ready to nourish your little one when it does happen. There are some wonderful apps available for smartphones that will keep track of your fertile days, and when you know they are coming, have unprotected sex every other day. Waiting 48 hours between his ejaculations can double sperm count. If you are still concerned, talk to your dr. He/she may have more tips that i don't know about.
  • I am really sorry to hear that. My husband and I have been married for 2 1/2 yrs and we do not have any kids. I had a mc last year. Is there anything he can take to higher his sperm count? do not give up hope, god has a plan for each and everyone of us. Hang in there.
  • I completely understand, my husband & I have been ttc for over 16 months. I'm pretty sure that all my friends minus my bestie are suck of hearing me be upset & pretend to listen out of obligation! It is hard to just relax & have fun when that's what you've prob done for so long. We were sent to a fertility dr & hubby had to be tested (procedure) and all was normal so I was put on chlomid to produce ovulation, but they also give chlomid to guys w/ low sperm count, so u may want to visit a fertility dr for some extra help ;) change it up in the bdrm (trust me) if it gets too boring it feels like a chore & that puts stress on you & ur body. Keep us posted & Good Luck!
  • Thank you ladies! My poor hubby probably thinks I am crazy. I went to take out my contacts and he came to the restroom to check on me. Lol He has another issue that I am sure he doesn't want me to share so we have to actually use a cup and a medicine syringe (sorry, I know it is tmi). I actually thought I was having on top of everything I feel stupid.
  • @Prayin_4_Twins all of my friends are still partying and going to college..I am settled down, married and ready for a family so I know they don't understand. My younger SIL will talk, but she is a regular baby factory so it isn't like talking to someone who gets it. Know what I mean?
  • My husband and I tried for about a year and one day we just stopped trying and two months later we were pregnant. So the best advice I could give you is to not try and see what happens. It worked for us and maybe it will work for you guys.
  • My sister tried for three years and was always so depressed and stressed. Her dr told her stop "trying" and relax. So her and her husband just stopped thinking about it and a couple months later she got pregnant. Now she has 4 beautiful children. Just relax and it will happen. :)
  • I read that eating lots of eggs will double the sperm count... maybe try that... there are low sperm count diets that raise the number significantly... we have been ttc for a year and a half so I know how you feel :( just remember God's timing is perfect :)
  • My husband and I are perfectly fertile and it still took us 5 months to conceive. Doesn't sound long, but it seemed like forever! Just keep at it and I'm sure you will get pregnant. Best wishes to you!
  • @MrsCritchfield I completely understand! You are more than welcome to vent on here or to me directly. I am so blessed to have met others that are going through the same thing! @Martin Thank you again!!!! @MrsCritchfield I spend multiple nights a wk crying, I am very thankful that my hubby wants kids as bad as I do so he comforts me but I feel he's the only one! Keep me posted, Good Luck!
  • Yeah relax as hard as that may be. My husband and I ttc for almost 2 yrs before we got pregnant too. We never got any testing so I dunno how we are" physically" but we used, preseed lubrication,we both started to take multivitamins and I would take mucinex when I was fertile to make me have.thinner.mucus. we also would put a pillow under my hips to keep them elevated for about an hour. Don't know if the last part helped but we fell pregnant the first month trying all of that.
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