im just done...

I'm so tired of trying to make things work with my fiance/bd. I don't even know if I want to get married anymore.. I'm sick of the lies. He tells me he loves me..but honestly if he loved me he wouldn't hide shit from me. Especially while I'm pregnant with his child.
He lies to me about girls that he talks to..idgaf that he talks to his friends that are girls, I honestly don't. But don't lie to me about it when I ask if you're talking to them. He lies about the girls that he hangs out with when he's at his friends house..again idc that you hangout with girls, as long as they don't whore around him I'm fine..but why lie about them being there??
Stupid lies like that makes me think there's something more to if he's gonna lie about the dumbest shit..then wtf else is he willing to lie about??
I confronted him about it and this was his excuse for lying
"Well you never believe me when I tell you the truth, or you get mad" uhm why the hell would I not believe him if he was being honest about talking or hanging out with other girls.. and yeah, sometimes I get mad about the shit he smoking weed when he's trying to get a damn job..but don't lie to me about this shit. Who cares if I get mad. It makes it 10times worse when I have to find out myself later down the road. Ugh! My feelings toward him are so numb at this point.


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  • @mshahir some guys just don't get it..
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  • Yeah, that's no bueno. I'm not oblivious to the thigs he does. I know what he's doing and I know he talks to other girls. And I've told him if he doesn't stop lying then we aren't gonna be together. If I can't trust someone then why have them around? A relationship revolves around trust and honesty. If either of them are not present then there is no relationship. And yeah I used to smoke to.. but I quit cause I needed to get a job, and then I got pregnant. He's really immature and needs to grow up. I just need to stop caring about him so much and do what I need to do for me and my baby. Especially if he's not making the effort. And you're right. I just need a break from everything! Lol @mshahir
  • Yeah, that's no bueno. I'm not oblivious to the thigs he does. I know what he's doing and I know he talks to other girls. And I've told him if he doesn't stop lying then we aren't gonna be together. If I can't trust someone then why have them around? A relationship revolves around trust and honesty. If either of them are not present then there is no relationship. And yeah I used to smoke too.. but I quit cause I needed to get a job, and then I got pregnant. He's really immature and needs to grow up. I just need to stop caring about him so much and do what I need to do for me and my baby. Especially if he's not making the effort. And you're right. I just need a break from everything! Lol @mshahir
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