down to 4 weeks left...anyone else experiencing these changes?
Here the past few days it seems I'm more thirsty, nauseous, a lot of indigestion the hot flashes are normal to me but more frequent, loss of appetite, at night when I'm sleeping I get sharp pains in my stomach, I also noticed pains in my boobs but figure that's milk and the real embarrassing one and a bit tmi when I sit to use the bathroom I have to lean to pee and I get sharp pains throughy hip that goes down my leg. But I get the pains in my pelvic area too s little. The baby moves constantly so he's fine on just wondering if anyone else is feeling the same.
last two days have had diareah...(spelling) hope that means its soon...find out tomorrow if im dialated.
the other weird thing. I still have an appetite...but after I eat i feel crampy and way heavier....then i regret even eating at all...especially at night, i just feel beached whale! In the morning its not as bad do you get that way? I guess working full time has its downside blah.