i need to vent

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
My husband came in last night at 1am and told me he wants a divorce bc he misses afghanistan. I am 7 months pregnant with our first little girl. I asked him if we could work it out and he said no he was done and wants out. He said he wants the divorce done before Aynslee gets here in september. I'm so pissed off right now that he would do this to us (me and the baby). He pretty much kicked me out of the house so now I'm staying with my mom. And I have a baby shower with his family Saturday. Grr idk what to think anymore.


  • Wow. I'm really sorry! :-S
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  • maybe there is another reason behind his request. im so sorry hun. dont give up yet theres got to be somthing. good luck keep ur head up.
  • Wow. I am so sorry.
  • wow, I truly cannot imagine how stressing and painful that must be =[ Im so sorry hun. Lots of hugs.. Maybe he is just suffering from some internal issues due to the service..
  • Idk what his problem is. When I left for work we were fine (so I thought) and when I got home he wasn't there wouldn't answer his phone nothing and then finally he came home and dropped this on me..I keep trying not to get upset bc I don't want to go into labor or hurt my baby.
  • @lil_mommaare you against him going back?
  • No that's his job.
  • Is he going back? U said he misses it but not that he is going back.
  • Maybe he feels some sort of guilt for missing Afghanistan and missing out on time with you and the baby. That might be his way of "not worrying about it".

    He could also have PTSD. You should talk to his family and see what might be going on with him.
  • Wow that's a large load...sorry for his throwing all of that on u at a short time...hope things work out for u..
  • The fact he was out til 1 with answer bothers me. He is a married man w a child on the way! What makes these men think it's ok to take the easy way out?
  • Yes very very odd.
  • Give the man what he wants otherwise he will give u a STD. SO plz as crazy as this sounds, i would agree and leave him thinking and reflect. In the meanwhile, you will be focusing on ur daughter and hope he is a good father to the kiddo. You will find a nice man!
  • He will go back one day just don't know when and I am getting out if he doesn't want me and my daughter then we will leave. I just don't know how its going to be when I go into labor he says he wants to be there which is fine its his daughter but he already didn't like answering the phone now what if he doesn't answer when I'm ready to have her. And his family is no help even though he walked out on me and my daughter ill be the bad person in their eyes
  • Wow.just because of Afghanistan?? Wtf! That's really messed up. I'm sorry.
  • edited June 2011
    I dont know where you live. But in some states you cant get a divorce if your pregnant.
  • Yea I have heard that
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