anyone else have a preemie or expecting one?



  • my youngest niece was born at 28 weeks...she spent 5 weeks in the nicu and now she is a very happy and healthy 3 year old...she has always been very quiet but she never did sleep good...she still wakes up every 3 hours
  • @intri where did you get that story? Do you have a link?
  • my little girl was born at 33weeks and has been in the Nicu for 11 days scared to bring her home in fear that she will stop breathing or her heart will stip and I wont know it. Did any have these fears and how.did you.coup?
  • @upnorthmom i definitley had those fears. my son would stop breathing in the middle of the night and i wouldn't know it, or he would just stop beating, my biggest one was that, since in the beginning he was vomitting ever bottle 30-1hr after feedings, he would vomit in his sleep or while we were driving in the car and i wouldn't hear it and he would choke. i don't think i slept one whole minute the first month he was home. it gets easier tho :)
  • @upnorthmom I have that fear as well. esp in the car. She is 3 months old now and only weighs 6 lbs. For the longest her head would be slumped over when I would get her out of the car. She was always breathing fine tho.
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