Help TMI but need help.
So mil is a crazy cat lady and sunday one of her cars had kittens and killed them as soon as they were born so I scooped one up and decided to save it. Well tuesday night I got up to feed it and it had pooped which was good until I looked harder and half was normal and half was like pumpkin orange. Anyways fed it and went back to bed. some up later to it crying and picked it up, started to feed it when it squirted bloody poop down my arm. Ewwwie. So immediately I washed up and said forget it and went to sleep. Next morning woke up to my room smelling like period blood and it was coming from him. I fed it and went to work. Needless to say when I got off work, the kitty had died. well here's what I need help when I got off I had to go poop, when I wiped it looked orange, so I looked in the potty and it looked just like the cats. Fml. Tmi. Gross. Well I tried not to think about it and blame it on the whole cantaloupe I ate today. Well then I was driving abd notice a rash on both arms so I call dr and they said take benadryl and it should go away. Awl I just woke up to pee and wiped front and back and Im apparently popping blood, that smells like the cat. Idk what to do, kinda crampy not bad though. I woke bd up to tell him and he isnt one bit concerned, just snoring away. Help ladies, im sorry ifs really gross and tmi but help please !!!!