Need help planning baby shower...

edited February 2011 in Baby showers
So I really need to put a shower together for March but I don't really kno where to start. I havent been to a shower in forever so I'm not sure what to plan 4. I guess for starters what's a good inexpensive location?


  • Look at hotel or bar conference rooms
  • The best place to have a shower is your house because that way you are not having to take all your stuff from one place to another and u r in the comfort of your own home but if u have a lot of people a hall is good depending where u live u can find a hall for cheap
  • If you live in an apartment community you can see if the office would be willing to let you book there conference or business center for you shower and most places will let you book it for free.
  • First thing to do is decide where u going to do it. After that you set the date. Once you got those two u can actually do ur invitarions. Then decide what to going to serve, something simple but get creative; like outting baby dolls on ice cubes. Then u can go buy all the decorations and while ur at it start planning games and buy prizes. After that make ur invitation list and when the day gets close give them out. Don't forget to order cake and on the last days go buy or order. All u need for the food. Is nice to have a friend or relative that is incharge in the party like the games and serving food. Cause trust me u'll be exausted. And don't forget to have fun
  • Thanks guys I've been looking at renting a room @ main event but to my surprise my aunts are going to plan it for me. I feel so relieved but I still want to b a little involved in planning the activities so I've been looking up different games. Any suggestions?
  • Thanks guys I've been looking at renting a room @ main event but to my surprise my aunts are going to plan it for me. I feel so relieved but I still want to b a little involved in planning the activities so I've been looking up different games. Any suggestions?
  • One baby shower i was at- they had melted different kinds of chocolate in a diaper and you had to just stick a finger in it and guess what kimd of chocolate it was. A little icky imagery- but thats what made it funny to watch reactions.-*- another game- buy different kinds of baby food, blindfold people, and have them guess or write what kind they thought it was. Buy good kinds and grosser kinds like peas, spinage.-*- blindfold people and put mini safety pins in a bowl of rice and have them pull out as many as they can in 30 seconds or a minute... get a few small, cheap gifts to give to winners of the games... if theres going to be a lot of little kids- might want to consider a game or easy craft someone could help them with... maybe have people bring a few dishes of food like a mini potluck.
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