Prayers needed!

edited June 2011 in Health
My dad is on life support and they don't know if he'll make it. If he does his brain may never be the same. I'm such an emotional wreck right now with everything and I just ask that all who believe in the power of prayer, just pray and keep him in your prayers over the next few days.


  • I'm so sorry to hear this. Your family is in my thoughts. Hugs!
  • I'm really sorry to hear this. I hope he pulls through, hugs and prayers to you and your family x
  • Prayers are with you.
  • You and your family are in my prayers
  • Im sorry that your going thru this, you and your family are in my prayers, ima say a prayer now for you.
  • Sending hugs and prayers.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Sorry To Hear This Praying For Yu & Your Family
  • Dad is still not doing well. I am now at a different hospital having mild contractions at 20 wks due to stress. Baby girl is doing well and my cervix is closed. Prayers for my Dad are still very much needed. Thanks for the prayers and support.
  • im very sorry and am praying for all of you and your family!!!
  • Prayers girlly, i knw exactly how u feel, but happend wth mom. I dnt even knw what to tell u... :(( xoxo
  • Still no update...
  • Oh sweetie ur father is most definitely in my prayers.. my father was on life support for over a month and now thanks to prayer I have my daddy back he is in rehab and getting better everyday so just know that with God all things are possible ... stay strong sweetie :)
  • @Ali_in_OK - I'm so sorry you're going through this. Prayers to you and your family. God works miracles. Take care.
  • My Prayers are with you.
  • The MRI came back on his brain and it was negative for tumors and bleeding. Now they are slowly ruling out possibilities. Thank you all for the prayers.
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