Tell me everything (csec)

I'm set for my csection in 39 days, I've had 2 kids via vaginal birth, and now I'm not aloud to have a vaginal birth only csection, due to my kids getting stuck in the canal, my son ended up w a injury. ANYWAYS, what's a csec like? Do u still bleed about 6 wks or so? What's the the best type of clothes to wear afterwards? What's the worst part? What was ur experiance? Tell me everything :) thx ladies!


  • Wow, so crazy no ones had a csec before............. :)
  • im curious too. there is a strong possibility i will need to have csection this time around, after 2 natural births.... so here's a bump
  • I have had two emergency c sections. The best clothing is very loose nothing that will irritate your insicion. My first one hurt a lot when you sneeze, cough, or laugh it feels like your being cut open all over again with no pain medicine. I have to have one with this baby as well and that's the only thing that scares me lol. If u have any more questions let me know lol I know a little. Good luck!
  • Oh yea and with mine I blead about 3 weeks less with my daughter because my placenta started to seperate from my uterus and we both almost died. So they cleaned most of my blood out.
  • My first I only bled about week and a half roughly. My second I bled from may 20-june 24/25 roughly. Got married the 28(3years next week!) And got my @##*! period the next day lol
    I have NO clue if this had anything to do with it but my first I had april 9(dd 4/15) and second may 20(dd 5/15)- yeah I argued for that one lol
  • This will be my third cs and the first was an emergeny and it was horrible but the second one was planned and was Soooo much better. There are up sides and down sides to cs. U get to know when your baby is coming and I don't have to play the waiting game but on the other hand...( I'm not going to lie) it really hurts afterwards. During the cs you don't feel anything but pressure and I thought it felt creepy but it didn't hurt. It's over in 10 min or so but its the anticipation that really gets u. Yes u still bleed for a while afterwards and it sucks to clean yourself down there because of your cut. But the bad pain usually dosnt last for more then a week and then its just healing time. Ask away if u need to know more. Oh BTW its very normal to get nervous about it... I still do even on #3. Good luck hun.
  • You're gonna hurt and not want to move but you have to! Try getting up and walking a few steps a few hours after recovery. Do it little by little.
  • edited June 2011
    I had a csection with my son a year and a half ago and the pain was the epidural...I had a lil panic attack because I couldn't feel my bottom half and mentally freaked out cuz I couldn't feel my legs lol...the nurses and my husband helped calm me down. Other than that u feel nothing. In recovery I got itchy...they say its normal. The next day they try to get u to walk...and it's hell!!! It was painful to me! I don't think the meds were doin the job! It pretty much hurts to move at all! They gave me these net like underwear that didn't cling and were comfy...try to take extra home! U will need big pads too! I wore like non clingly dresses or nite gowns that were comfy! I couldn't sleep in my way to lay down or sit up...not fun at all...I slept in a big couch chair with my legs up on an ottoman for bout 2 weeks! Showers were husband helped a lot! And the staples hurt when they were starting to stick up. For me it was hard and i have to do it again with this one...but my sis in law has had 2 and she acts like they were no big deal!
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  • Mine personally the second one was easier, except the nurses were giving me tbe wrong pain meds. But healing time was a lot shorter. Do not try to lift anything heavier than your baby. First baby I had staples, second that stuff that is like super glue. A LOT LESS PAIN! but it feels different and I was constantly worried I was going to split open lol. But I never did and felt a lot better.
  • I had the super glue the second time too. Much better but I was very nervous I was going to POP open the cut too... I didn't of corse. I just thought it was odd to be glued together. Oh and they will only allow one person in with u when your having the cs too. Deffinetly move around and walk as soon as they will let u. It hurts but it helps!
  • I liked high-waist granny panties so they sit well above your incision. I also liked yoga pants because they don't really have a waistband and I just didn't fold them over at all. I bled for... I don't remember, but you definitely still bleed. It is quite painful, so make sure you have help around at first. Get up and moving as soon as you can, but don't overdo it or push yourself. Take your pain meds on a schedule... at first, anyway - you don't wanna get behind and have the pain catch up with you. That's all I can think of right now! Mine was an emergency, so I don't have any experience during since I was out. Good luck!
  • Buy a small pillow and carry it with you... if you have to sneeze, cough, laugh, etc place it over your incision and press on it. Also buy a panty girdle, sounds funny but the support really helps. And sit on a pillow in the car. Oh, and get up and move as soon as you can. It makes recovery much faster. This will be my second c-section. As bad as you may think it is, it won't be, I promise. (;
  • Mine only hurt for a few days after bleeding swelling....just sore when I got out of bed and off the couch...the faster you get up and walk the faster you will heal and prevent clots...going in for mu second csection on July 6 th
  • Did anyone use some sort of belly band? If so, any recommendations?
  • @buebug3 just a regular panty girdle is fine & probably much cheaper... or a bellaband (target) and just fold it in half... don't spend too much money on one.
  • Seriously ladies thank you, I've been freaking out about it......but it sucks that I know I'm gnna be in pain. With my other two I was up wlking around w/in the hour and fine after a couple! Ay yi yi, not looking forward to it.
  • I had my first all natural my second csection. I def perfer the natural way. My son will be a month on Tuesday and i'm still not all together yet. I'm hoping for a vaginal birth next time. I had a lot of bleeding and a blood transfusion so I just had an all around bad experience with it.
  • I bked for 2 weeks then off 4 weeks then I got my period 6 weeks. I rolled my underwear because it would be on my incision and it made me nervous. I continued to wear my stretchy over the belly maternity pants. The hospital gave me a binder afor my belly and that helped more than a pillow did for when I coughed or laughed. My incision never itched. Make sure after you shower to pat it dry. I would pat it dry after each shower and every time i used the bathroom with toilet paper. I heard it was to prevent infection and to also see if it was leaking. Good luck :)
  • My first was an emergency so the 2nd was planned (like you due to babies not fitting). I was so nervous with my 2nd that I told my husband to remind me when I told him that I wanted another kid after that how scared and nervous I was then. Yeah, that worked well LOL. I will be having my 3rd (and final) c/section in October. Buy some cheap granny panties, like ones that are a little too big for you cause you will still have a belly and you want something that will be no where near your incision. Stay on top of the pain meds because they say once it starts to hurt and you take pain meds, they don't work as well. I don't remember how long I bled (my youngest is 5), but do expect to still bleed. Those mesh panties they give you in the hospital are amazing, try to get more LOL. I was like can I have a months supply? They will want you to get up soon after to get moving. You will have a catheter for a while but when they take it out you will obviously have to get up to pee (or pee all over yourself). They want you to (well at least my doctor wanted me to) massage the scar once it is healed over so you don't have as much scar tissue.

    I had an epidural with my first just because I had already had one during labor and a spinal with my second. I didn't feel anything as far as pain with my second. The problem for me was the pressure. It felt like an elephant sitting on my upper abdomen (it got so bad I was grunting LOL).

    That is all I can think of right now. Good luck!
  • Be prepared to feel like your pushing a baby outta your arse the first time you poop afterwards..
  • OH and I would get waxed or shave your own lady bits (or have your hubby do it for you) before because they butcher you with those cheap ass plastic razors in the OR. Talk about razor burn accompanied by a csection incision and then once the incision heals, it itches as well as the hair growing back.
  • agreed @luvbump. Have the doctor perscribe some stool softeners with the pain meds. Those will stop you up so the stool softeners help (some).
  • I bled for 6 weeks off and on. When I over did it physically I would start bleeding again.
  • My first two were natural and this one is scheduled for Monday...I'm soso scared, I posted a thread about it so I'm glad you posted this.
  • @mommabee13 I'm glad then, bc after two natural ones like me I know its bound to be completly diff! Oh ladies I have another question, did any of you nurse, and if so, did it hurt, cld u only in a certain position, or what????? And thank yoou @salsabia @juliek77 @luvbump @maymommy11 @Beautiful_Altar @buebug3 @myowndisaster23 @BensMama @Wallieheadbaby3 @monkeyandpunkinsmom @ at everyone else,
  • @mama_underpants I was wondering the same thing about nursing. I had an emergency csec 1st time 2nd one was planned and I still went into labor on that scheduled due date b4 I got to hospital! And basically my body was ready to feed my babies. Wil my body be ready this time with a planned ceserian?? Sp will my milk come down. I don't wana bottle feed.
  • Oh @mama_underpants (lollol name is too funny) I used the football position til soreness was gone. I enjoy breastfeeding after the initial soreness in the beginning subsidies from nipples being sore.
  • On way home in car avoid train tracks bumps of anykind take pillows Omg!!!
  • I just had a csec 3 weeks ago and was up and moving with very little to no pain Meds in 18 hrs after I had it. I only bled for 3 weeks and I feel amazing. The worst part is not being able to work out immediately!! The csec was a lot easier then I thought! Good luck hun!!
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