Sleep Poll!

edited June 2011 in Sleep
Just wondering when did everyone's sleep deprivation start? I'm 28 weeks as of 12am midnight lol and it hasn't started yet so im wondering when to expect it?


  • Depends.. heartburn and kidney pain keep me awake at night... and then trying to sleep on a bigger belly sucks I would say for me.. was about april that I couldn't sleep so about 6 months?
  • Well mine started at about 12 weeks. But I blame it on my hubster not being home. Now that I'm a whale, I can't get comfy and I'm always out of breath. I'm 34 weeks.
  • Mine started over 4 years ago when my daughter was born! Ha! Actually I'm 26+4 and still sleep pretty good except for getting up to pee.
  • I sleep(21w) but its getting crappier and crappier. I wake up constantly amd between 4-5am that's it I'm up for good
  • @jbandno3
    lmao im scared now

    I think I lied a little lol. im up at those same times but its only cause im hungry n can't fall asleep till I eat!
  • @k_baBix0 I also have a 2 year old and expecting # 3. So my sleep has been lacking, especially cuz my kids need less sleep than I do!
  • K_babix0 LOL those times I pee, drink milk out of the carton, eat whatever,drink some more milk,go on pregly for an hour. Then attempt going back to sleep only to doze off when hubby gets up for work
  • I'm 29 weeks and am still sleeping amazing! I don't even wae up to go pee until morning! I'm lucky for now :)
  • @mrs_shu
    lmao that sounds like me all the way. I can sleep straight thru if im not hungry but damn it if im hungry..... psshh, granola bars, turkey sandwiches n juice juice juice then when I fall asleep im back up in an hour to pee lmao
  • @jazzi89
    ooh I envy u lol. I have no trouble going to sleep but I can't sleep straight thru at all! at 4am religiously im up raiding the refrigerator lol
  • Lol sorry :) I'm usually up by 530 but that's only because my bf comes home around tht time so I automatically wake up go pee get a drink n go back to bed whn he gets home
  • end of 32 weeks, go to bed at 10.30pm roll around bed for ages before actually falling asleep :-|
  • My bd snores soooo freaking loud. Like at their company when they travel they bunk up hotel rooms.. he always gets his own cause his snoring! I hate when I don't fall asleep before him or when I wake up throughout the night!
  • I had my son 5yrs ago. Sleep deprivation is normal to me. Ever since he came into my life, I haven't had one full night sleep without waking up, even if he spends the night at gmas.
  • Im 35 weeks and I started to wake up a few times a night around 29 weeks, and just recently I've started to not ne able to sleep because the heart burn or I just can't get comfy and I've tried everything from buying a pillow top for the mattress to buying ear plugs bc I swore it was the ac lol.... And the thing is I'm very tires but as soon as lay down I can't get to sleep for hours.
  • edited June 2011
    I would have to say mine started sometime this week. I sleep for like 2hours....wake up and get sleepy again in the morning around the time my daughter is up and wanting cereal... :-(
  • @armywife3 I feel you I'm the same way I don't fall asleep till anytime between 10pm and 12am then if I'm having a good nite I sleep till 2 or 4am and then my son is up at 630am and goes all day doesn't even take a nap. So for 5-6 days stright of doing that I don't get a break till Sunday or Monday when my husband is off of work. This Monday he is takin him out most of the day so I can rest up and meditate
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