Can someone tell me what the very begining signs of labour are????please. x

edited June 2011 in Third Trimester
Because since last night iv felt very strange, nausia/minor cramps/lower backpain and like i have dihorrea but not actually having dihorrea, sorry if TMI. I at first thought it was the chicken pie i had made that night but normally if its something i ate id feel sick at night and then be fine in the morning but not today apparently. btw im 37weeks+1day.


  • Well I can really only go by beginning of labor when being induced and well I had cramping and some nausea. If its labor it will progress even if its not to much of a difference. My contractions were never regular. You will know there is something going on.
  • Gosh its so different for everyone. It's hard to say. Any bloody discharge or timed contractions. But that still doesn't mean its not early labor.
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