I cant believe its happening all over again... Its like a nightmare all over again but it hurts twice as bad, I DONT THINK I CAN TAKE DIS!!!!!!

I wake up ta fix my/our son a bottle due to his hiccups, n I see my bd/bf layin on the couch asleep and beside him is his phone which had a alert for a new text, so me being me I get the phone and what do I see other then random girls he's msgn unapproiate texts too no not just that, LONG BEHOLD HIS PREVIOUS BM OF HIS SIX MNTH OLD, WHICH I FAGVE HIM FOR AND STICK BY HIM AFTER HE BEGG FOR FORGIVENESS IS PREGNANT AGAIN!!!!!!!! Wtf!!!! Here I am 7months n he do me like this again, I woke him up n he acts fuckin cluelesz lik Im makin things up, he threatens to hurt me if I dont leave him alng so I do after alot of emotion yells n slaps for the sake of my baby girl. So here I am balled up on the couch crying my eyes out to u ladies, im sooooooooo hurt tired stressed out. I dont know what to I have a eighteen mnth old son expecting a babygirl I need out this is too much. Btw he is peacefuly aslp like mi crys is nothing to him. This is da man I claim to love n love me back!


  • I'm sorry Kay!! you have to be willing to say, I've had enough of this disrespecting crap. If you don't he knows he can keep getting away with it.
  • Get rid of him. You deserve so much better!!!! You gave him one to many chances and he obviously will not change. You can do it on your own I promise.
  • @Jaime77 I know thats what I have to do, but it hurts so bad!!!! I dont understand how he can do this to me, continue to hurt me. I know I have to leave but my life only gone to be harder from here, while he is free I think its so unfair I wish he could hurt like I am.
  • @Proudmomma thanks.... I realli needed to hear that right now cause im doubting I can.
  • Don't ever under estimate yourself! This is why God leaves all the hard work for women is cause we can and we will cause we are stronger than any man out there. He will realize he's an ass I hope. My oldest daughters dad cheated all the time going around getting girls pregnant! I got rid of him and did it alone at 17 and she turned out great! Ggggrrrr I want to come kick his ass for u and guess what I already had my baby so he can bring it! I will just casturate him too lmao
  • Is she pregnant again with his baby??

    Please run, don't walk, away.
  • @Proudmomma just pictured u bust thru the door kickin his ass... Lol I needed the
    laugh thanks. I know what I have to do just have to stick to it n move on.
  • @mrs_shu yes.... N tieing my tennis shoes now keys in hand lol no seriously dont knw where im going but im going
  • Don't stay with him for the security of having the $ and help. Hun, without trust and honesty you will only feel worthless and miserable. Take your babe to the park.
  • I know you think it will hurt so bad to leave and it will for a little but I'M TELLING YOU FROM EXPERIENCE once you are out and find someone worth your time you will realize how much happier you are and how much time you wasted EW Fu*k sleeping with someone while you are pregnant who is sleeping with someone else that introduces not only a possible std or infection to you but also your baby.
  • @Jaime77 I have to be at work in a hour n thirty minutes but that would have help alot I bet nice walk in the park jus mi n my son n unborn.

    @ChelseaMarie thank u I know ill b fine n that cross my mind instantly, how can he be that careless and gosh ugh! I hate him!
  • Im praying for you!!! These little boys that don't see whats good right in front of there faces! Id pack and tell him to go ahead and be w that nasty homewrecker and to leave you alone. It makes me so mad!!! Why do they think it's ok? Im gonna pray for you and for a place to stay and for a healthy baby. Best wishes.
  • Run u deserve better no woman deserves that leave and don't turn back or u will find yourself is this everlasting cycle of hurt n pain...don't feel like this is the end think of it as the beginning! God will send you a man who respect u and your babies but u have to get rid of that loser (sorry) first!
  • @Hot2Cold87 thanks for the advice n words encouragement hunni well appreciated
  • Pack up some of his Shit and tell him there's the door
  • I'm so sorry... I know it hurts. I know its hard to even think strait and try and figure out what to do but he's a jerk! You are carrying his baby and this is what u get! You are better then this!!! You have all us. Go take ur walk and if u need us we are all here for u!
  • if he is threatening to hurt u if u don't leave him alone then do just that... leave him completely! Get a game plan together for the next time u do have to see him and put it in action.
  • @wallieheadbaby3 I am at wrk now I left while he was still aslp, I change my number and plan on staying with my sister for alwhile. I no this is gone to be hard and stressful. Praying, its all I can do
  • You sound like u have a good plan now.... that is really good. I am not one who believes that once a cheater always a cheater but he just keeps doing this to u and that's why I don't believe he will change. I know its hard but try to act now like u don't care about him at all anymore! Don't give him an inch! Hold your head up high and know you are better then this!
  • @Wallieheadbaby3 thanks so much. I am gone to try my hardest. Ur wrds r helping me to just stay focus. I wanted to call and curse him out in the worst way.... Venting helps alot instead of keepin it all insde X_X startin to calm down and feel alot better thanks ladies
  • I know how much u probably want to call him and make him feel like he's made u feel but I honestly think it will get to him more if u just act like u don't care for him anymore... well at least as much as u can. Show him u don't need him... that will get to him I promise. But whatever u decide I will back u up and be here for u no matter what.
  • Im glad your feeling better. Im also glad you have a plan. There is definately a real man out there who will treat you the way you deserve. You don't deserve this at all. Im going to continue praying for your situation. Im sorry I just blow up when I see guys being stupid!
  • @Mommyof4girls thanks n please do.

    If I come bugging you guys bare with me. Im not in the shape to tell my family, they will only judge me and make it worst. Hopefully I can talk to u guys
  • Wow, he's a piece of sh!t. You and your babies deserve so much better than that. You need to put him on child support and go about your own life. Maybe if he's forced to financially support all these babies he keeps making, he'll work more and screw around less. He makes me fu¢king sick doing this to you AFTER you forgave his ass before. And to threaten you?!? Screw him!
  • Don't say anything. Just tell him to leave. U don't need to hear the bullshit excuses that is going to give u and sad faces and "heart felt" sorry along with the promises to be a good man. Ur better all along and ur kids need to know that mom has a back bone and deserves and demands respect. I know it is harder to do then to say.....from my experience....going through it now. 4 weeks after saying I'm not dealing with that shit. I feel a lot better. Also once ur baby gets here that will keep ur mind occupied.
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