i have a question O.o

Ok, so I have been reading ALOT of cheating posts on here lately.. it sucks that man are that way.. but why the hell do women stay with them???? i dont understand that and it makes me so pissed to see that women arent strong enough to stand up for them selves.. if the man cheats, come on.. LEAVE HIM. why do they stay ?? because of the kids?? dont the kids suffer more if they see their mom crying 24/7 over their retarted dad? i just dont get it :(
SOrry.. i just had to let it out of me


  • I agree, I tried to think about life as a divorced single mom, it scared me so I let my husband stay a few months after his affair..all the crying, stress, fighting took it's toll QUICK! One day I put my big girl panties on n said u gots to go! Happily I'm divorced, kids are more healthy, and we are cordial bc of them.. It's soo much easier to leave than stay in a toxic environment.
  • @jaime77 Im so proud of you :D I wish every women i know would do the same thing
  • i dont know why, it just bothers me so much..
    Since the first day me and my husband started out as boyfriend/girlfriend .. i told him that if he ever cheats on me.. he will be gone no matter how much it would hurt me.. thanks god he hasnt cheated on me.. well as far as i know xD
  • @claudia25 yeah.. i just dont understand some women D:
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