With my first pregnancy I hardly showed at all, I was in normal pants and just wore baggy shirts. My son was born 2 weeks before his due date but was considered full term and fully healthy. With this pregnancy I wasn't really showing until late second trimester, I just looked like I gained alot of weight. After I started to show I got a huge baby belly for my body type but my belly button hasn't popped and everyone (who doesn't know me and how I carry my weight normally) says I am to small. My doctor says I'm right on target and that is what matters.
Just remember that every pregnancy and every body is different. You still have time to start showing, as long as the doctor says that everything is growing as it should no worries.
With my first I looked fat till about my 7 month then belly exploded this time I'm close to 5 monthes n belly is huge ur probably carrying baby n ur back
No worries. Im 22 weeks, and im not showing at all. People come up and tell me they're sorry i lost my baby! They are surprised to hear im still expecting, then tell me i look great! I have a long waist, wide hips and shoulders. Doc says baby is right on track, im hoping i can get thru this pregnancy without buying maternity clothes. They're so expensive, and this is my last baby.
Just remember that every pregnancy and every body is different. You still have time to start showing, as long as the doctor says that everything is growing as it should no worries.