needing peace and quiet!

I agreed to watch my SIL's 4 kids (ages 8, 7, 2, and 7 months) along with my 2 1/2 year old and being 5 mo pregnant! She helps me out all the time watching my son 4 days a week for about 2 hrs a day. Transition time betweem me going to work and hubby getting home. So when she rarely asks I always try to help out. They were only going to a move so wouldn't be too bad. Or so I thought...
7 yo is adhd and is off meds for summer and 2 yo is a cry baby. Every little thing that happens she cries about... we have had a few moments where I wanted to turn and run away!
I have managed to get all 5 kids quiet for a little bit. 7 mo is napping and others are eating popsicles watching spongebob
What did moms do before spongebob???? Lol I'm enjoying the quiet!


  • Ugh...... its getting crazy again.... spongebob is losing his effect! They should be here soon I hope.
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