going natural

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
So to give a background I have 20 month old twins who I wad in labor for 17 hours with. I got my epidural and no joke 45 minutes later they were out. I felt as if I handled 16+ hours of labor the epi was wasted and only resulted in permanent back pain. Well this time I have decided no meds I have had endomitroisis from age 14 on (basically 10 day periods with heavy heavy bleeding and mind blowing cramps) so my pain tolerance is out of this world. My hubby, mom, and sister all say they know I got this, but my in laws keep trying to tell me I can't f***in handle it! Sorry for language but I need support I thought this was a good decision but no they can only be negative.


  • Only you know your body. Don't let anyone tell you what you can and cannot handle. I've had 3 out of my 5 natural and plan to go natural again. I also had family members tell me that it's too painful and that I wouldn't be able to do it. I proved them wrong lol. Good luck.
  • That's my plan I'm going to prove them all wrong! My husband said he going to tell his sisters booya when I do it and they couldn't lol
  • I plan on it as well and my mom is very negative about it. Makes me wanna tell her not to come in the delivery room.
  • You can do it! 16+ hours of labor without one! You know ur pain and you know ur body! Don't second guess yourself! Mothers intuition :)
  • I didn't scream or yell or anything either. I would just breathe and concentrate on the babies and got through them. The nurses were impressed and said my contractions were literally off the graphs.
  • This is my first and I plan on going natural even if the pain kills me cause I know it wont last forever and ill have a very handsome baby boy when its all over :) I'm pretty excited to get it over and done with I'm just hoping and praying I don't tear or at least not a lot
  • @octoberonly have any tips for getting through labor? I'm due in october and want to go natural and i've been trying to do research and read to inform myself on it, anything I can do now to prepare??
  • I plan on having a natural birth as well. and my parents and my bf are supportive of me but thats about it everybody else thinks im crazy and wont be able to do it because this is my first and they say i dont know what its like .. but only you know your body.. plus i feel as though the female body was made for this and people did it before naturally so why not now and the more ppl tell me i cant the more i want to prove them wrong so .. dont worry about what other ppl say go for it :-D
  • i think EVERY PREGNANT woman should watch The Business of Being Born
  • You can do it and u will prove them wrong. I hate the ones who.don't support the best choice u can make. Esp if its ur.first, u need all the encouragement.possible. as long as u believe in yourself that's all that matters. It helped me to research 1) the benefits of natural birth 2) the side effects of pain meds 3) natural pain coping methods 4) the miracle of what my body is naturally capable of if I let it be and trust in that process. Good luck to all of u!
  • I was so set on getn n epidural too but now I'm thnkn about goin natural...I'm jus so scared lol
  • @Kimberly4411 don't be afraid to tell anyone who is stressing to leave the room. I actually told one nurse to because she told me not to wrinkle my nose that it was a waste of energy. Breathing is seriously your best friend and have someone you know (husband, friend, anyone) who you know can get through to you. Mine is my hubby and when I had a bad contraction he talked me through it. He was positive and would say simple stuff like how brave I was and how proud he was and that our boys were going to be beautiful. And don't clinche your teeth your jaw will hurt like crazy after lol.
  • @beauty0710 I'm scared too just of the actual pushing part. I tore every direction with my twins!
  • I'm going natural too. My husband and doctor are pretty much the only supportive people which is why they're the only ones allowed in the room while I'm giving birth. I'm taking birthing classes soon and I'm hoping they will make me more comfortable and less scared of giving birth.
  • We decided just us as well cause last time we had way too many people in the room. Were not even telling anyone til after he's out lol.
  • You can do it! Your body is made for this, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I am going all natural as well. I just started hypnobirthing classes, if you're interested I can tell you a little about them.
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