I would wait for sex until you know why you are spotting. My spotting was caused by an irritable cervix and my dr put me on pelvic rest until it stopped.
Sex will usually make any spotting worse. I'd suggest pelvic rest until the OB gives you the green light. Sorry hun! I understand, I'm on pelvic rest too. I've got monster fibroids though :-(
I've spotted 3x in my first trimester. Once with heavy red blood & clots. That time was after sex. Dr told me its better to wait til 2nd trimester. If your bleeding I hope you called dr. Gotta ask yourself this... is sex or a healthy baby more.important right now?? I went with baby!
@wallieheadbaby3 I'm 8w 4d and I got diagnosed right around six weeks. I'm on bed and pelvic rest too. They never really said how bad mine is. I went back to have it checked last week and they said it had gotten smaller thank god. I go back in another week and a half. Do you still have yours?
No hun not anymore but it lasted almost 6 months and my Dr said it dosnt hardly ever last that long. It was very scary. If its getting smaller that's a great sign!!! @ahhtigerstripes1104 they could never tell me why it was happening to me? Did they ever tell u why?
No, they said they really don't know why. Something about the placenta possibly isn't attached right? Not sure, but they told me that usually they see it gone by ten weeks or a little after at the doctor, and I've read online most are gone by twenty. The doc said he's only seen one case like mine go bad and it happens all the time. It's pretty common. This is my first and its very scary. I'm so afraid, but at the same time seeing how my little one has grown every two weeks gives me comfort and makes me think everything is gonna be okay.