i cant stand MIL!!! >:(

Ok so lets begin with the first thing: I went to phoenix to visit my mom and sister since I was missing my family and all my sisters and I decided to go as a late mothers day present. Well I stayed for about 3 weeks there finally I came home for a dr visit after only to find out to both our surprise she moved in while hubby was in phoenix with me!! We both where like ok fine whatever! So I've been home about a week and a half she sleeps here whenever she just feels like it doesn't ask or anything comes whenever she wants to come! One night it was 2 am two nights ago 5 am! After waking us up she goes on with her freaking loud phone call!! Like hello hubby works a lot we just got back we need our freaking sleep!! Well ok yesterday she woke up saying she hungry asks my hubby to go eat and he says that he can't cuz we just got back from cruces where the rest of my family was and he only has enough to pay for the rent this month until his next pay check on Monday and just about a hundred to spend on us for the next few days. So she offers to take us out! Ok sounds good. She finds out she locked her keys and demands we take her to one of her bfs house who has the spare which livea an hour away!! Ok we say yes. So well she gets fed up saying we r taking forever to get dressed (while staring at me!) And so finally we r ready to leave and she gets mad says she wants to shower and get dresse. Well this point I'm hungry and craving a mcchicken so being nice hubby asks if she wants anythIng she throws a tantrum like a little kid saying she doesn't want McDonald's and than so hubby is like well we r going do u want anything? She than wants a double shot something or other I'm think really its McDonald's not starbucks!! so we come back with a regular coffee and salad she getaway mad saying we forgot her sandwich and how she is so hungry umm I believe that is food infront of u! Ok fine so she goes finishes getting dress uses my makeup toothbrush and deodorant! Eww!! Ok well we finally leave and than last minute she says she wants churches chicken! Ok we turn around and ask here what she wants and she gets grouchy saying how she is hubby's mom umm hello ur on the phone and we need u to order its our turn!!! So finally we order leave and drive the hour to said "bf" house after stopping at sonic for her again! Ok well after everything she has us drop her off at bf's town where another guy picks her up! Umm ok fine so hubby and I get back and realize with everything we r short so He asks for the rest of money to pay rent when she shows up next morning. she starts yelling going off how because of that she is going to be short and demands he asks his dad after knowing their relationship isn't like that! And so I'm getting pissed (lack of sleep + prego = grouchy me!! Yay! :/ ) and I just tell them to both stop hubby is all surprised I yelled he stops and she than decides to get in my face and even bends down to get close because I'm sitting in a chair so I'm furious now and I stand up pissed I'm about ready to slap her!! Hubby quickly gets up and pulls me back calming me down cuz she turned her back on me and was walking to the kitchen and I'm following her who does she think she is to get in my face than what get scared and turn her back on me?!! Ok so hubby has me calmed down he is hugging me and kissing me so finally I'm calm. Well she comes in saying she is sorry how its menopause that's doing this to her and she doesn't mean to take it out on hubby and she doesn't even look at me!! Ok well hubby just looks away says its ok and continues talking to me! Ok she finally leaves hubby convinces me not to grab her stuff and throw it out like I wanted to (sadly)! Oh well I can go on and on (like how she insists on using the bathroom without closing the door or how she always shows up randomly) but I won't! Sorry I had to vent and let it out! I feel better now! =)


  • Omg! You're a better woman than me. I would have burned her s##t on the lawn with a little sign in front that said "Dont F##k with me b###h". Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky with a normal woman for a MIL.
  • She has got to go. Yesterday.
  • Wtf is her deal. I don't care for my mother in law at all! Omg if she showed up at my apartment I would die good thing she is not on the lease so she can't stay. Why the hell is she she using your shit to get ready gross. I know how that menopause and pregnancy don't mix me and a coworker butt heads all the time. Hang in the mamas and have hubby kick her floozie ass out doesn't she have a man she can go live with?
  • When she's gone go get a new knob& change the locks!!! She has no rights to your home. Looks like she's got plenty of men to sleep at their place. I'm telling you change the locks & don't answer the door at 3am. Call the cops. & say someone's at the door. Bet she wont do that again
    Is she do...throat punch her!! That's wat @blueberrysmom would do!
  • @VictoriaB lol trust me many things have crossed my mind luckily I love the hubby otherwise she and I would not be friends trust me! And I'm jealous of u! really I got stuck with a crazy one who gets jealous of me!! Umm hello I'm his wife ur his mother I win! :P

    @ChelseaMarie yeah she does I made it a rule she can't know where we r moving to let alone have a Key to our next place!! I refuse to allow it! And she thinks she is watching our baby when he comes! Lol yeah ok sure!
  • @socalMOMMA2boys the thing is she doesn't have it I bet she caught something from someone she has even gone to the dr who told her she is fine!! And yeah but he doesn't live in town she either stays here or with friends! Its so frustrating!!

    @one5one ha ha I have debated it!! Omg if my hubby didn't know how to calm me down I would do so much worse than change locks!! I almost did throat punch her too!! Lol lets see if she gets in my face again!! Next time ill wait till hubby isn't here! Idk how he can put up with it! He grew up without her! She was never there for him!
  • Im so thankful that we live in pa and my bfs mom lives in Ohio, she completely babies him and she truly believes that no matter what he can do no wrong, her and I are two completely different types of women and he's trying to convince her to move her because her youngest son is going to college in Michigan in the fall and I will be pissed if she does. She's the type of mother in law like Marie from evrybody loves Raymond ..... NO THANKS PA DOES NOT WELCOME YOU LADY
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  • @ChelseaMarie oh wow I'm sorry too! Ill think positive thoughts for u so she won't move down! I would freak if hubby did that to me! No way is she living with us! I give u the best of luck! I don't like watching everybody loves Raymond simply because of the mother in law!! She just irritates me! I'm sorry!

    @mshahir thanks yeah it is pretty gross u have no idea! I especially get frustrated when she starts talking to u well eating she doesn't wait till she is finished with her food to talk so u get a whole view of her food! That's eww! Lol ugh I can't wait to move so she stops showing up! I know that's mean since she is hubby's mom but I'm super excited!
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  • @mshahir I have tried! She if she does that she knows she will get caught! I just don't get it ugh she frustrates me luckily she didn't come here last night I wonder if hubby said something cuz I make sure to lock both doors so she can't get in! Lol I know I'm evil but I figure she will eventually get the hint! I wish I didn't love Jude so much so I can just slap her throw her stuff out and slam the door with a smile! Oh well less than a month we r gone and on to another city an hour away! And she isn't invited to visit! I already made that clear with hubby!!
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  • Yeah my MIL left her son(17) to live with us, she said he would only be with us for the summer, but now she's saying she can't take care of him, that she needs time for herself to work things out with her husband. I'm like, well HELLOOOOO bitch! Me & my bf are about to have a baby in 2 and a half months & we need time to ourselves! & when she says she needs time to herself...FYI she's too busy doing drugs(cocaine). I feel bad for his little brother..but honestly he has to go, he doesn't do anything but be lazy & make our house trashy & he won't even go get a job because he says his "MOM" doesn't want him to work. He's not my kid, why should I have to take care of him, I have more important responsibilities to worry about! Ugh, like why have kids if you're not willing to take care of them. & she doesn't even give us any money & he eats up all of our food. I bought 2 gallons of milk in 2days!!!
  • wow.. i would tell her to leave and that she needs to call before comeing over.. good lord shes his mom not his wife.. weird woman.. your husband needs to tell her though because its his mother.. she also sounds bi polar..or on drugs.. ugh.. im sorry just an observation
  • @mshahir yes it is!! I get cranky when she is around! Lol oh well I just need patience for a little longer! Lord help me cuz idk where I'm going to find it! So do u have to deal with any annoying people? Or are u a lucky pregly that gets to avoid all the drama?
  • Um, I have no words. That is just gross. Using your personal things? What the FUCK is that?!? She needs to go. She is an adult & she's fully capable of taking care of herself. Tell her to find somewhere else to hoe hop. And don't spend another dime buying food for that ungrateful bitch.
  • @clope18 wow I'm sorry luckily He is an only kid with the woman! Yeah she deserted him and finally she is being a "mom" (insert rolling eyes here) but I hope u guys figure something out. I would tell MIL that u didn't make ur bf younger son so u guys shouldn't be responsible for him! Especially after her just needing to fix her marriage well she should of thought of that before she got prego! Awe I'm sorry I'm getting frustrated for u!

    @lae3 yeah she is weird! Like he always comes straight home and kisses me and baby hello and especially after a long day we just sit there talking! Well she getaway frustrated and always says "where is mammas kiss hello!" Lol hubby turned around and said she is the new mama now and continued kissing me! The look was priceless! And who knows what she is on?!
  • @TishJ330 and its not even that its the fact how she started yelling and getting mad! This isn't about money! Hubby and I know we will be fine no matter what. She is just so frustrating! The way she acts like she is a child and I am going to lose it if I hear her use a baby voice one more time!! We have a dog that hubby and I got together that is lab German shepard and mastiff from the shelter we both fell in love with and she always cries stop leave me alone when he is around! Umm excuse get out of the house and he won't be a bother anymore I promise!! Its like magic!! But she wines in a pitchy baby voice! Ugh its annoying she is 40- something years old time to be a damn woman and use ur adult voice!!
  • OMG!!! How have you not gone INSANE?!? I agree about the dog. If you're not here, the dog won't bother you! Is she having a midlife crisis? Baby voice?!? I can't stand the thought. I can't believe you just now almost hit her! You have WAAAAY more patience than me. Just try to relax and not stress your pregnancy. I'm so sorry you have to deal with someone like that. Oh, and hide your personal belongings. She'll be wearing your panties next lmao!
  • @TishJ330 I already have hid it all! Idk who goes and uses someone elses toothbrush?! That was the second time she used my toothbrush in the past few months I keep having to buy new ones cuz no woman do I want to share germs with that woman! And trust me its not me with the patience that's all my hubby calming me down! I would have used the toothbrush to clean everything including the toilet she has issues flushing cuz apparently she can't flush!! than put it back like I still use it. But hubby just let me put it back and hide all my stuff! I went and bought new everything because of her!! Ugh! Usually I just ignore things but she knows how to bring the worst out in people!! Lol but yeah right I doubt she could fit into them without breaking them! Im trying not to be mean but ugh its hard not to be!
  • Oh and I love when she talks about my family! That is always a bad move with me! I was raised around family! I'm am so family oriented so u don't talk about my family! I had hubby put a stop to that right away!! Cuz if she even mentioned my sisters I would beat the living crap out of her!! She started going obser how I called all my aunts on mothers day!! Ugh hello I'm close to them and they r my family if u have an issue tough luck go away!! Ugh oh well! Sorry I have a lot I've kept in!
  • *on about not obser my bad
  • @OregonMama I told hubby she has to go by than!! If she doesn't me and baby r going! He quickly agreed with me (thank God!) Cuz I cannot stand the woman much longer! Hopefully I don't see her anytime soon without hubby cuz if she makes one wrong move or says one wrong thing I will be in jail for putting her in the hospital I have a lot of frustration bottled up thanks to her!! She also isn't allowed to see the baby or baby-sit without at least hubby or me there!
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  • @mshahir ahh lucky I wish I could get her to stay away for good! Lol I should borrow a leaf from ur book and get away!
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  • @mshahir I just might need a few! I have nothing else to do all day anyways! I want to find a job just to do something cuz I am certainly going crazy!!! Lol
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  • @mshahir I know right!! I used to hate work but its like school by the ends of summer vacation ur excited to get back!! Lol I'm going nuts too. Ive got to the point of debating on the flamingo idea!! I told my hubby about how u came up with the ideas of flamingos at war with each other he thought it would be awesome!! Lol I even plan on painting them camouflage and adding war face paint! Strap pieces of cloth around a few heads! Lol I want to put them up randomly around the city but idk how well that's going to work!
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