baby shower games....

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Does any one have any good baby shower games to play that are different or interesting?


  • What is in your purse that could belong in a diaper bag, guess when the baby will be born (date and time), baby gift bingo (players get bingo cards with names baby items instead of numbers when a gift is open if it is on the card they cross it off) guess the name/gender if the parents have not spilled the beans yet, anyone who brings a pack of diapers gets a raffle ticket/s at the end a winner is drawn and gets a prize (great way to get diapers!), daddy diaper dash (the men try to "change " a stuffed animals ' or dolls' diaper the quickest while blindfolded.)
  • Thanks :) trying to help plan for a co workers
  • We made simple bead necklaces and everyone got one when they came. If someone says "baby" the person who heard it gets their necklace. Person with most at end of shower gets a prize. Bottle race, everyone gets a bottle filled with their choice of drink, person who finishes first gets a prize. We got simple things from dollar store for prizes, candles, picture frames, flashlights for the guys.
  • Did the anyone who brings diapers or wipes along with their normal gift got a raffle ticket for each package..did drawing at end of my sis tons of diapers and wipes that way. Got bunch of balloons and everyone had to make a baby out of their balloon and mama to be got to pick winner...super fun watching everyone try to twist theirs..lots of laughing. Finish the nursey rhyme..surprising what people come up with :-) have fun!
  • I also wanted to do a daddy shower for my husband but wasn't sure which games were manly enough...
  • Ooh these are such good ideas
  • Go to they have lists of cool baby shower games.
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