Pushing naturally was the best decision for me, I was a little bit tempted by the epidural but I was happy my mom was there with me and advised me not to. I felt so proud of myself knowing I pushed my baby out through all the pain and I intend to do same again.
@billysgirly Good for you! And you will continue to be a strong woman even after you get it. You come out the same type of woman as you did going in, except you have a beautiful baby to love! :x
My opinion......imma do what's best for me and if you or anyone else in the world doesn't like it.....u can well......u know!! I'm a vegetarian, and have my beliefs about that!! But it certainly does not mean imma go out n bash ppl for eating meat cuz I think its bad for them!!! To each their own, everyone should do what they feel is best for them!!!
I think pregnancy=epidural for a lot of women for certain, I too watched one born every minute US and and it seemed that is the normal in majority of births. Its not about being judgemental but from reaction of most people on this posts it just proves that point.
OMG... This post has me cracking up. I always find it humorous when people love to share their strong opinions and judgements based on no experiences of their own. It is a personal choice. You may have an idea of what you will try to do... but until you are actually in labor, you have no way of knowing if you can endure the pain or not. Every woman, every pregnancy and every labor can be different.
This will be baby #4 for me and I'll take the epi please. With my first baby I planned on going natural. My body wouldn't/couldn't relax which stalled my labor. My doc recommended an epi but left it up to me. My son was posterior, broke my tailbone and needed forcepts to help his delivery. He had a high apgar test and immediately took to nursing. #2 I got the epi as soon as I was dilated to a 5 and it seemed like 30 minutes later he was delivered same with #3 once I got the epi my labor progressed. Babies all came out beautiful nursed right away. My doc told me after my first was born that babies whose mommies are less stressed during labor score higher on their apgar to me less stress = epi. This time I intend to stay home a little later then go in at the first sign of labor. But once I feel I cannot tolerate the pain I will request an epi. I do not feel that my son will be working alone I know I will still feel the pressure of him moving down the birth canal and I will still be pushing to help him out. I was offended by your post as I feel like I am and have been an active team member in all of my deliveries. And I say this based off of more experience than education. For those of you that go naturally I applaud as I do feel that there are advantages to that as well. But personally having an epi in my choice.
No, what I figured would happen is that even if I said I'm not calling people weak, people would still think I am. And even if I say that people should birth how they want, people somehow think I am forcing them to not get an epi. I don't even know where the lazy comments came from, but apparently I said that too? It's however you interpret it I guess.
I've had an epidural with my last three babies. With my last one it wore off right before delivery so I felt the entire thing. I absolutely LOVED being able to get out of bed and attend his first bath. With this baby I am not getting an epidural just for the fact that I liked walking and showering right after birth. :-)
With my daughter I tore from hole to hole inside & out because her shoulder was stuck. I ended up with over 40 stitches & I could barely walk for 3 months afterwards. I wasn't fully healed until 5 months later. If I wouldn't have had the epidural I would have been in even more pain. My doctor gave me the option to have a csection when they discovered she was stuck but I knew I only had to push 1 more time & she'd be out so that's what I did. For you to say what you did without firsthand knowledge is extremely disrespectful & rude. The fact that you say you're not being judgemental is hypocritical as well.
I honestly think this post was unneccesary, and was looking for drama. If she wasn't trying to be judgemental, she wouldn't have come back with "I figured this would happen lol". Why not be a part of the app in a bigger way than to hurt peoples' feelings? Look at @HomeBirthAdvocate, for example, she has her views about birth, but always supports us in whatever desicion we make! And she is willing to give whatever advice she can in making our decisions, whether they are her personal preferences or not! The purpose of this app is for SUPPORT. Not to try and force your opinionated comments unto others. ESPECIALLY since you've never given birth.
I knew this was drama when I saw it this morning (why I only responded to lil_buggie_3's joke). It is a personal choice, and only brought up by soneone who was to bored to do anything else this morning. The following statement may get me in trouble, but you know what? If you ain't rocked it, don't knock it. Have a baby, then decide. Ok, my two cents in.
She said she wasnt tryna start any mess, (using my own words) but she did wanna state her opinion just like everyone else has done. Im not offended at all because when I was 16 and had my daughter, I didnt know anything about natural birth. They basically said my only option was an epidural. I got stickin my back 3 times in 3 different places and I still haveback pain to this day. my next child I maytry natural if everything works out.
@kristaf22 That's an experience I wouldn't wish on anybody but for her sake I pray that Karma doesn't come back & bite her in the vagina for being so close minded about this issue.
@starkrayxie wasn't going to respond to this posti try to stay out of the stupid cram starting bull but have to agree with u \:D/ would acually server her right.
@OregonMama. That's been my experience with every labor. It confuses me that I read on here that it stalls labor. Not saying it's not true but with my 3 previous babies once I get the epi it seems like a matter of minutes before I deliver a healthy hungry baby. I will admit that I will ask about the walking epi this time around as I would like to watch my baby get his first bath instead of being abandoned by my family who goes to watch. Lol
@sexysecondtimemom Rude. Labor isn't EASY with an epidural either! It's just less painful! I had drugs with both of my babies and I am a CHAMPION still! I still had to push that baby out through my vagina. Your statements are soooo ridiculous and offensive!!!
duh childbirth=pain